Glenn Kienz

Weehawken Planning Board to Consider 8 Story Office Building

Public Notice:

PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF WEEHAWKEN HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY  NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND OTHERS ENTITLED TO SERVICE   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has made application to the Weehawken Planning Board for property known as Lot 3.03, Block 64.01, located in the waterfront section of the Township of Weehawken, Hudson County, New Jersey to obtain the following:  1. Amended preliminary and final major site plan approval for an 8-story office building and an 11-story parking garage containing 1,402 parking spaces on Lot 3.03, Block 64.01 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-46 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-50 and in accordance with the Amended Planned Development approval granted by the Weehawken Planning Board.  2. The applicant also seeks bulk variances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c so as to permit parking spaces of 9 feet by 18 feet whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires 9 feet by 19 feet spaces, and to permit an east-west view corridor of 87 feet, 2 inches, whereas the prior approval permitted a corridor of 92 feet, to permit a view corridor at 80 feet of 87 feet, 2 inches whereas the Ordinance requires 50 feet from the centerline of the road or 100 feet, and subject to a final determination by the Board for a possible height variance of no more than 4 feet to the top of the parapet for the building.  3. Such exceptions and waivers, as deemed appropriate by the Board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51 and the Weehawken Land Use Ordinances.  In addition, the applicant applies for such variances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c, exceptions, waivers, permits, approvals or licenses that are deemed necessary or appropriate by the applicant or the Board and which may arise during the course of the hearing process.  This application is now on the calendar for the Planning Board of the Township of Weehawken. The public hearing has been set for Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Weehawken Municipal Building at 400 Park Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersey. When the case is called you may appear either in person or by an attorney to present any evidence which you may have regarding the application. The case may be heard on the above date or any adjourned date designated by the Planning Board at this public meeting without additional notice. The maps, plans, plats, reports and application for approval are on file with the Planning Board Secretary and are available for inspection in the Township Clerk’s office at the Municipal Building during normal business hours.  Port Imperial South, L.L.C. By: Glenn C. Kienz WEINER LESNIAK LLP Attorneys for Applicant 629 Parsippany Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 August 9, 2014-fee:$74.66 (79) 3730610
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