Grand Avenue

North Bergen Studies Area Around Paterson Plank Road for Redevelopment

Public Notice:


  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on March 12, 2014, the Board of Commissioners of the Township of North Bergen adopted a resolution authorizing the North Bergen Planning Board to undertake a preliminary investigation of property identified as Block 27, Lots 1, 2,16.01, 21.22 and 23.01 and Block 40, Lots 1, 2, 3.03, 3.011, 3.012 and 3.031 as identified on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Bergen (the “Study Area”) to determine if the properties qualify as an area in need of redevelopment.  The boundaries of the study area consist of those blocks located on the east and west sides of Paterson Plank Road. The Block 27 portion of the study area begins on the westerly side of Paterson Plank Road across from the intersection with 13th Street and continues west for 150 feet to the westerly property line of Block 27, Lot 2. It continues north for 325.83 feet to the southerly property line of Block 27, Lot 16.01 and turns west following the property line of Lot 16.01 for 176 feet before running 383 feet northwest, 185.33 feet west and 144.38 feet north along the westerly property line of Lot 16.01. At the southerly boundary of Block 27, Lot 21, the study area runs west for 20 feet; north for 70.35 feet; and east for 70 feet to the westerly property line of Block 40, Lot 22. It then runs 132 feet north along this westerly property line; 100 feet east along the northerly property line of Lot 22 to the westerly property line of Block 40, Lot 23.01. The study area boundary then turns 530.10 feet north along the westerly property line of Lot 23.01 before turning east for 252.83 feet to the easterly property line. The boundary then runs southeast along Paterson Plank Road for 1,265.93 feet before turning slightly to the south for 244.08 feet along Grand Avenue to the starting point. The Block 40 portion of the study area is non-contiguous, but is on the opposite side of the street. The southern portion begins 96.42 feet north of the intersection of Paterson Plank Road and 14th Street at the southwesterly corner of Block 40, Lot 1. It then runs northwest along Paterson Plank Road for 866.64 feet along the westerly property lines of Block 40, Lots 1, 2, 3.011 and 3.012 before turning east at the northerly property line of Lot 3.012 and running northeast for 104.80 feet; southeast for 40.34 feet; south for 126 feet; and east for 54.01 feet, following the property lines. It then runs south for 397.07 feet along the easterly property lines of Lots 3.012, 3.011 and 2 before running 114.77 feet west to the starting point. The second area of the Block 40 portion of the study area consists of Lots 3.03 and 3.031 and begins at the southwestern corner of Lot 3.03 located 30 feet north of Lot 3.012. It continues north for 525.11 feet to the northerly property line of Lot 3.03. The boundary then runs 151 feet west to the westerly property line of Lot 3.03, where it turns south 498.40 feet to the southerly property line of Lot 3.031, where it runs west for 117 feet to the starting point. The study area totals +/- 16.8 acres. The study area’s street addresses are 1313 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 1), 1305 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 2), 1407 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 16.01), 1513 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 21), 1601 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 22), 1607 Paterson Plank Road (Block 27, Lot 23.01), 1445 Kennedy Boulevard (Block 40, Lot 1), 1520 Paterson Plank Road (Block 40, Lot 2), 1706 Paterson Plank Road (Block 40, Lot 3.03), 1610 Paterson Plank Road (Block 40, Lot 3.011), 1700 Paterson Plank Road (Block 40, Lot 3.012) and 1904 Paterson Plank Road (Block 40, Lot 3.031).  The Township of North Bergen Planning Board will be conducting a public hearing on April 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the North Bergen Municipal Building located at 4233 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, New Jersey to review and consider the preliminary investigation conducted of the aforementioned properties pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6. A copy of the map delineating the boundaries of the proposed redevelopment area (the blocks and lots as noted above) and a copy of the Area in Need of Redevelopment Study for Paterson Plank Road/Grand Avenue Study Area, Township of North Bergen, New Jersey prepared by Phillips Preiss Grygiel, LLC dated April, 2014 is on file in the office of the Township Clerk and the Planning Board Secretary, 4233 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, New Jersey and is available for inspection Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. on regular business days.  Any redevelopment area determination pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners shall not authorize the Township of North Bergen to exercise the power of Eminent Domain to acquire any property in the delineated redevelopment area.  All persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is an area in need of redevelopment may be heard at the time and place scheduled for the hearing identified herein.  Geraldine Baker, Secretary/Clerk Planning Board, Township of North Bergen   04/11/14 $105.79  
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