Greenland Realty

Jersey City to Hear Greenland Realty Redevelopment Application

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at 5:30pm, a public hearing will be held by the Jersey City Planning Board at the City of Jersey City Municipal Council Chambers, City Hall, located at 136 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey regarding the application of Greenland Realty, LLC (the “Applicant”), for the property located at 136 Summit Avenue and described on the Tax Map of the City of Jersey City as Block 15303, Lot 6 (the “Property”). The property is located in the Summit and Fairmount Redevelopment Area. The Applicant has applied to the Planning Board for a Minor Subdivision to subdivide Block 15303, Lot 6 in to two (2) undersized lots to be referred to as Lots 6.01 and 6.02 respectively. Applicant has also applied to the Planning Board for two (2) Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approvals in order to refurbish an existing structure into a multifamily residential building with nineteen (19) dwelling units on proposed Lot 6.01 and for new construction of a mixed-use multifamily residential/commercial building with 945 square feet of retail and fifty-nine (59) dwelling units on proposed Lot 6.02. On the newly subdivided Lot 6.01, Applicant is applying for Preliminary and Major Site Plan approval in order to refurbish a three (3) story former commercial medical building into a multi-family residential building totaling 14,740 square feet containing nineteen (19) units and five (5) parking spaces and requests variances for minimum lot size, parking, stepbacks above 25 feet, and stepbacks at the third floor on the northern and eastern interior lot lines. Additionally, a design waiver is requested to permit exterior, head-on parking. On proposed Lot 6.02, Applicant is applying for Preliminary and Major Site Plan in order to construct an eight (8) story, mixed-use multifamily residential / commercial building with 945 square feet of retail and 48,517 square feet of residential space containing fifty-nine (59) dwelling units and forty-one (41) parking spaces. The proposed project on the newly created Lot 6.02 requests variances for minimum lot size, parking, 5 foot stepbacks above retail, and stepbacks at the third floor on the northern and southeastern interior lot lines. A design waiver is requested to permit compact cars within the interior garage. Additionally, the Applicant requests that the Board grant any additional approvals, permits, variances, interpretations, waivers or exceptions reflected in the plans and materials filed (as same may be amended or revised from time to time without further notice) or determined to be necessary during the review and processing of this application. Any person or person affected by this application may have an opportunity to be heard at the hearing of October 7, 2014, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 at which time you may appear either in person, by agent or attorney and present comments which you may have regarding this application. All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. in the City Planning Division, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. GREENLAND REALTY, LLC, Applicant Eugene T. Paolino, Esq. Genova Burns Giantomasi & Webster Attorneys for Applicant 30 Montgomery Street, 15th Floor Jersey City, NJ 07302 09/27/14 $85.00

Public Notice ID: 21774260.HTM
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