GSH Mountainside

Mountainside To Hear Assisted Living Facility

Notice Content

Notice of Public Hearing Borough of Mountainside County of Union, State of New Jersey Please take notice that the Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Borough of Mountainside (the “Borough”) will, on July 28, 2015, at 7:30 p.m., at the first floor courtroom, Mountainside Borough Municipal Hall, 1385 U.S. Highway 22 East, Mountainside, NJ 07092, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing (the “Hearing”) to consider an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval and variance relief (the “Application”) made by CSH Mountainside, LLC (the “Applicant”) to permit an approximately 23,143 sq. ft., 3-story, 79-unit “assisted living” facility (the “Project”) at real property identified as Lots 7, 7A, 8A, & 8B of Block 24D on the Borough’s tax map (the “Property”). In addition to the foregoing, the Project will include typical, ancillary site improvements such as garbage disposal areas, internal driveways, lighting, landscaping and parking areas. The Property is commonly known as 1042-1050 Springfield Avenue, Mountainside, NJ. The Property consists of approximately 1.84 acres within the Borough’s O-B Office Building District Zone (the “O-B Zone”). To permit the Project, the Applicant will seek variance relief from the Borough’s Land Use Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) in accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et. seq. as follows: (1) “d(1)” or “use” variance relief to permit an “assisted living” facility in the O-B Zone whereas same is not a permitted use; (2) “d(6)” or “c” variance relief, as determined by the Board to be necessary, to permit a 3-story building height that exceeds by 10 ft. or 10% of the height required in the O-B Zone, which, by Ordinance, is a maximum of 2-stories or 35-ft. in height, whichever is the lesser; and (3) to the extent determined by the Board to be necessary, “c” or “bulk” variance relief for (i) a front yard setback of 43.3 ft. whereas 50 ft. is required by Ordinance and (ii) a maximum ground projection of 30% whereas 25% is the maximum permitted by Ordinance. The Applicant will also seek any variances, waivers, exceptions, or other relief that the Board or its professionals may determine to be necessary without additional public notice in accordance with the MLUL. A copy of the Application and supporting documentation is on file with the Board’s Secretary. These documents are available for public inspection, during regular business days and hours, at the Board’s offices at the address stated above. This Notice is given in accordance with the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the Hearing to be heard on the Application. Marc D. Policastro, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Attorney for the Applicant Dated: July 16, 2015 7/18/15 $145.70

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