
Hoboken Approves Monroe Center’s Mixed-Use Project with 424 Residential Units & 25,000+ Retail

Notice Content

NOTICE OF DECISION PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF HOBOKEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 6, 2016, the Planning Board of the City of Hoboken adopted a resolution (“Resolution”) memorializing its November 30, 2016 approval of the application of Monroe Center Hoboken Urban Renewal, LLC (“Applicant”) for preliminary and final major site plan approval and preliminary and final major subdivision approval (“Approvals”) to permit a redevelopment project (referred to as Monroe Center Phase III) comprised of 424 residential units (ten (10%) percent of which will be affordable units), 25,500+/- square feet of space for commercial/retail uses along with not less than 415 on-site parking spaces in a parking deck at property subject to the Northwest Redevelopment Plan, as amended. The redevelopment project is proposed to be developed pursuant to the terms of a Redevelopment Agreement between the Applicant and the City of Hoboken. The residential units, commercial/retail space and parking deck are to be constructed in a building ranging in height from 121 feet 4 inches to 165 feet, measured from the design flood elevation, at property known as 701 Harrison Street and identified as Block 80, Lot 1.01 on the tax map of the City of Hoboken (the “City”) and which building also will include roof decks, green roofs recreation and other amenities. In addition, the portion of the former Jackson Street between 7th and 8th Streets, identified as Block 81, Lot 2.01, will be developed as promenade or plaza space. The Approvals also permit the development of approximately 26,477+/- square feet of property comprising a portion of Block 81, Lot 3.01 (identified on the current tax map as COOOB, sometimes referred to as Phase 4 or Unit B) as a plaza for public programming events which, when completed, is proposed to be conveyed to the City by its owner. The plaza will also contain a 2,099+/- square feet area that will remain a part of Lot 81, Lot 3.01 (identified on the current tax map as COOOA, sometimes referred to as Phase 1 or Unit A) that is not proposed to be conveyed to the City. The Approvals permit the improvement of another portion of Block 81, Lot 3.01 (identified on the current City tax map as COOOC, sometimes referred to as Phase 5 or Unit C) as a public park that also is proposed to be conveyed to the City after improvements are completed. The Approvals also permit the development of property identified on the City tax map as Block 74, Lots 3-20, also known as 605 Jackson Street, 625 Jackson Street, 629-633 Jackson Street and 628-632 Monroe Street, with a public park and children’s playground area at the 7th Street end of the property and a 6,825+/- square foot gym near the Jubilee Center on the southerly end of the property all of which property is proposed to be conveyed to the City following completion of the improvements. The Resolution has been filed in and is available for public review at the Office of the Planning and Zoning Boards of the City of Hoboken, Hoboken City Hall, 94 Washington Street, Hoboken, New Jersey, and is available for public review Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., holidays and furlough days excepted. Monroe Center Hoboken Urban Renewal, LLC, Applicant By: Its Attorneys, Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. Meryl A.G. Gonchar, Esq. 973-643-7000 12/14/16 $85.00

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