Jennifer P. Smith

36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC to ask Newark Planning Board for Permission to Revise Application

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that 36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC (“Applicant”) has applied to the City of Newark Central Planning Board (“Board”) for amended preliminary and final major site plan approval (“Application”) to amend the previously approved residential tower with ground level commercial space proposed to be developed on the property located at Block 17, Lot 26, which is known as 36-54 Rector Street (the “Property”) The Property is part of the area governed by The Living Downtown Redevelopment Plan.   By a resolution adopted on October 17, 2011, the Board previously granted preliminary and final major site plan approval to construct a 23-story tower with 169 residential units and ground-level commercial space (“Previously Approved Plan”). The Board also granted variances to permit (1) rooftop mechanical equipment to be setback less than required; (2) parking spaces smaller than permitted; and (3) a loading area located where not permitted.   By this Application, Applicant seeks amended preliminary and final major site plan approval to amend the Previously Approved Plan. Applicant now proposes 168 residential units in a 21-story tower. Applicant also proposes to modify the vehicular circulation for entering and exiting the proposed parking garage.   Applicant also seeks any additional variances, design exceptions/waivers, submission waivers, interpretations, modification of conditions, and other approvals reflected on the filed plans (as same may be further amended from time to time without further notice) and as may be determined to be necessary during the review and processing of the Application.  The Board will hold a public hearing on June 23, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Newark City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, for the purpose of reviewing and taking action upon the Application When the case is called, interested parties may appear at the hearing or any adjournment thereof either in person or by attorney, ask questions, and present evidence and offer statements or documentation that may be relevant to the Application. The hearing may be continued without further notice on such additional or other dates as the Board may determine.   The Application, maps, plans and related supporting materials are available for public inspection in the Office of Boards, Room 112, Newark City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, during regular business hours, which are typically 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and may also be on file with the City Clerk (administrative officer) at the same address and during the same business hours.  36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC By: Jennifer P. Smith, Esq. GIBBONS P.C. One Gateway Center Newark, New Jersey 07102 (973) 596-4477 6/5/2014 $145.00  
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