Legal Counsel

Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency seeks law firm

Public Notice:


EWING TOWNSHIP REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICES The Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency Housing Authority is seeking a law firm to provide legal counsel to the Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director.  Interested law firms are invited to contact Mr. Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director of ETRA at 609-883-2900 ext.7648 with any questions regarding this Professional Services RFQ.  Interested law firms shall submit three (3) copies of their proposal (s) including past experience with redevelopment agencies or municipal governments and hourly rates to Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director of ETRA no later than (4:00P.M.) on June 20, 2014.  The selection of a law firm or firms shall be based upon their qualifications; past and specific experience in this area of expertise along with hourly rate. The duration of the agreement between the parties shall be for a twelve (12) month period with a not to exceed price to be determined.  Tyrone Garrett, JD Executive Director Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency 2 Jake Garzio Drive Ewing, NJ 08628 FEE:$24.845/24/14j-139
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