Louis D’Arminio

City Of Englewood Planning Board Amends Approval of 195 Unit Development

Public Notice:


“NOTICE OF DECISION  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on July 10, 2014 the Planning Board of the City of Englewood (“Board”) granted amended preliminary, final major site plan and general development approval for properties presently known as Block 2602, Lot 3.04, with certain parking located on portions of Block 2605, Lots 1.02 and 2.01, all as shown on the Tax Assessment Map of the City of Englewood. Applicant had previously obtained approval for the construction of a 195-unit multi-family residential building consisting of four stories of residential over one story of parking with associated landscaping, amenities and related improvements on the property known as Block 2602, Lot 3.04.  This approval includes, among other things, an affordable housing element encompassing 15 of the previously approved 195 units pursuant to a) the settlement of a matter entitled “ERA South, LLC. et al. vs. The City of Englewood, et als.” (on appeal to the Superior Court, Appellate Division, under Docket number A-3986-11T1), and b) Ordinance No. 14-18 recently adopted pursuant to the same; a new raised podium and pool area over a previously approved parking lot; and various other amenities and improvements including additional parking. A Resolution memorializing the decision of the Board with respect to the above matter was adopted by the Board on July 24, 2014 and is on file for review in the office of the Administrative Officer of the City of Englewood, who has been defined by its Municipal Land Use Ordinance as the City Planner (Kenneth Albert, PE, PP), at the Planning Board Office, City of Englewood, Code Enforcement, Municipal Building, 2-10 North Van Brunt Street, Englewood, New Jersey 07631. Said Resolution is available for public inspection Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.  ERA South, LLC, by its attorneys PRICE, MEESE, SHULMAN &  D’ARMINIO, P.C. By: Louis L. D’Arminio, Esq.”  July 28, 2014-fee:$46.31 (49) 3724788
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