Princeton HealthCare System

Plainsboro Planning Board to Consider Assisted Living Housing

Public Notice:

PLAINSBORO TOWNSHIP NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on Monday, November 17, 2014, at 7:30 P.M., in the Court Room of the Plainsboro Township Municipal Building located at 641 Plainsboro Road, Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey, the Planning Board of the Township of Plainsboro will hold a public hearing on the application of Hunter Gregory Realty Corporation for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan with deviation and waiver approval for a 105 unit assisted living and memory care facility proposed to be developed on a 6.1 acre portion of the property currently identified as Block 1701, Lot 4.03 on the Plainsboro Township Tax Map. The 6.1 acre parcel, proposed to be identified as Block 1701, Lot 4.05, is being created under a separate subdivision application. The development site is located on the Princeton Healthcare System Plainsboro Campus just south of Hospital Drive near its intersection with Connector Road a/k/a Campus Road. The property is in the ORC (Office and Residential Complex) Redevelopment District of the Princeton HealthCare System Redevelopment Area. Specifically, the Applicant proposes 105 units in a varied two and three story structure. Fifty-five of the proposed units will be traditional assisted living units consisting of studio and one bedroom units. The remaining 50 units will be primarily studios for early stage dementia and for more advanced memory loss. The Applicant requests the following waivers/deviations from the design standards of the Redevelopment Plan: Section 4.1.5 which requires walkways to be at least 6 feet wide. The Applicant requests approval for some of the internal walks to be 5 feet wide. Section 4.2 to allow minor intrusions of the building and certain architectural elements into the required green corridors of Punia Boulevard and Hospital Drive. Section 5.1.5 which requires glazing of at least 25% of each façade of the building at each individual building level. Section 5.2.1 which requires 105 parking spaces for this project. The Applicant proposes a total of 103 parking spaces, 32 of which will be land-banked for construction if needed in the future. In addition, the Applicant requests a waiver from standards of the Comprehensive Sign approval for the Redevelopment Area for the proposed monument signs. The approved sign detail for the Redevelopment Area consists of internally illuminated brushed metal boxes whereas the Applicant proposes signs using materials and colors drawn from the building exterior with ground mounted lighting. The Applicant requests any additional deviations, variances and/or waivers determined by the Planning Board to be required for the approval of this application. Materials submitted in support of this application are available for public inspection at the Department of Planning & Zoning located in the aforementioned municipal building during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Interested persons will have the opportunity to offer comments and ask questions and at the hearing. HUNTER GREGORY REALTY CORPORATION Applicant By: Pepper Hamilton LLP Attorneys for Applicant Dated: November 4, 2014 ($51.92) 166210

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