Vauxhall Road

Township of Union To Hear ARC Application

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWNSHIP OF UNION PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Township of Union Municipal Building, 1976 Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey, a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Township of Union for Site Plan and Variance approvals (Section 170-50: lot area – 120,000 sf. required, 10,338 sf. existing, 9,944.2 sf. proposed (Block 5001, Lot 16); lot width – 300 ft. required, 50 ft. existing and proposed (Block 5001, Lot 16); lot depth – 400 ft. required, 203.3 ft. existing, 175 ft. proposed (Block 5001, Lot 16)) and such other variances, relief and/or waivers that may be required upon an analysis of the plans and testimony at the PUBLIC HEARING on the Application submitted by the Applicant, Union Urban Renewal, LLC, for the properties located at 2400 & 2446 Vauxhall Road, Block 5009, Lot 1 & Block 5001, Lot 16 on the Tax Maps of the Township of Union. The properties are located in the RM Zone (Block 5009, Lot 1) and the OB Zone (Block 5001, Lot 16) and are owned by ARC Union, LLC. Block 5009, Lot 1 has been designated as a Redevelopment Area and the Applicant has been designated as the Redeveloper. The Applicant is proposing the construction of a residential development consisting of 202 multi-family units and related amenities together with road widening along Vauxhall Road & Stahuber Avenue and the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Vauxhall Road & Stahuber Avenue.  When the case is called, you may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present any objections which you may have to the granting of this Application. A copy of the Application and plans are on file and available for PUBLIC INSPECTION in the Planning Board Office located at 1976 Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey, during that Office’s normal business hours.  Hehl & Hehl, P.C.  Attorneys for the Applicant 5/10/2014 $92.80  

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