BOROUGH OF FORT LEE FORT LEE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a regular public meeting of the Board of Adjustment, Borough of Fort Lee, held on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, the Board made the following decisions: Docket #10-14 Kaufer Lane Associates LLC 1636 & 1640 Kaufer Lane 55, 51, 47 & 41 Main Street APPROVED Block 4355, Lots 11, 12, 20, 21, 22 & 23 Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan 11-Story, 203-Unit Residential Building above a Multi-Level Parking Garage Docket #11-15 1640 Anderson Avenue Property LLC 1640 Anderson Avenue APPROVED Block 4151, Lot 22 Minor Site Plan – Elevator Copies of the resolutions are on file in the Office of the Planning Administrator, Fort Lee Municipal Building, 309 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ and the same is available for inspection from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Douglas L. Sugarman, Chairman Barbara B. Klein, Planning Administrator July 20, 2015-Fee:$34.02(36)
Fort Lee BOA Approves 11 Story Apartment Building
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