Mixed Use

Woodbridge to Hear Mixed Use Application which will include Arts Center

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has applied to the Woodbridge Township Planning Board for the relief described below in connection with the construction of a mixed-use development of 500 residential dwelling units, non-residential commercial space of approximately 25,000 square feet of floor area and an arts center building of approximately 10,000 square feet. The development is to be known as Station Village at Avenel and will include various site improvements including open space and a commuter parking area of approximately 40 parking spaces. The development site abuts Avenel Street across from its intersection with Wolfe Place and is east of the railroad right-of-way (Conrail North Jersey Coast Line) and the Avenel train station; a portion of the site abuts Rahway Avenue. The site is shown on the Woodbridge Township Tax Maps as Block 859.01, Lot 1.01 and Block 867, Lot 1.081. Applicant requests the following relief:

1. Preliminary and final site plan approval.

2. A variance, if needed, from the Avenel Arts Village Redevelopment Plan as to rear yard setback of a maintenance building at the northern area of the site.
3. A waiver or variance, as needed, from the Avenel Arts Village Redevelopment Plan to permit an identification sign at the entrance to the development on Avenel Street. The sign will be approximately 25 square feet.
4. A de minimis exception or waiver from the Residential Site Improvement Standards as to number of parking spaces.
5. Such other variances, waivers and other relief as may be required.

Copies of the application, plans and other supporting documents are on file in the office of the Woodbridge Township Planning Board at the Woodbridge Township Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey and are available there for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this matter has been placed on the agenda of the Woodbridge Township Planning Board for January 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Woodbridge Township Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey at which time you may appear in person or by attorney and present any comments or objections you may have to the relief sought. STATION VILLAGE AT AVENEL URBAN RENEWAL, LLC 90 Woodbridge Center Drive Suite 600 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 ($42.68)

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Woodbridge Planning Board to Hear Hampshire Companies Application

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE NOTICE OF HEARING TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that HPFVII Metropark, LLC (the “Applicant”), having an address at c/o The Hampshire Companies, 22 Maple Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960, has filed an application (the “Application”) with the Planning Board of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Board”) concerning property located in the Metropark Wood Avenue South Redevelopment Area, known as 186 Wood Avenue South, and shown on the official Tax Map of the Township of Woodbridge as Block 356.02, Lot 12, condominium units 1 and 2 (totaling 15.74 acres), and also known as Block 356.02, Lots 12 C0001 and C0002 (the “Property”). The Applicant seeks Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval for continued development of the Property, which may occur in two phases. Phase One will include construction of a four (4) level parking deck; construction of approximately 17,400 square feet of retail and/or restaurant space; construction of an approximately 192 room hotel (including approximately 20,000 square feet of restaurant, lounge and meeting room space); and construction of an approximately 274 unit apartment complex and related improvements. Phase Two will include construction of an approximately 250,000 square foot office building (including approximately 9,550 square feet of restaurant space) and three (3) additional levels to the four (4) level parking deck to be constructed in Phase One. The Applicant also seeks deviation, exception, waiver or variance from the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Ordinance”) or the Metropark Wood Avenue South Redevelopment Plan (the “Redevelopment Plan”) to permit tandem parking spaces. In addition, the Applicant seeks such other deviations, variances, waivers, exceptions, interpretations, approvals and/or relief from the Ordinance and/or the Redevelopment Plan as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the Application. Any interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing of the Board on the Application to be held on December 10, 2014, at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095. The Application, plans and other related documents are available for inspection in the Board office at the Woodbridge Department of Planning and Development, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095, during regular business hours. DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP Attorney for Applicant 600 Campus Drive Florham Park, New Jersey 07932-1047 (973) 549-7000 By: Glenn S. Pantel, Esq. ($42.24)
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Jersey City’s Mixed Use Machine Keeps Humming Along

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Coles Jersey Development Co., LLC (the “Applicant”) has submitted an application to the City of Jersey City Planning Board for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision and Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval with respect to property located at Block 6003, Lots 2, 3 and 4; Block 6004, Lots 1 and 2; and Block 6005, Lot 13 and a portion of Lot 7 as shown on the Tax Map of the City of Jersey City. The project is generally bounded over a three (3) block area between Jersey Avenue, 16th Street, 17th Street, 18th Street, Coles Street and Monmouth Street. The application calls for the development of approximately 873 residential units and approximately 23,950 square feet of commercial space, along with parking, open space, and other infrastructure improvements. The proposed uses are permitted under the Jersey Avenue Park Redevelopment Plan. The application is as of right and does not seek any variance relief. In addition, the Applicant requests that the application be deemed amended to include any additional approvals, design waivers, deviations, variances or exceptions which are determined to be necessary in the review and processing of this application, whether requested by the Planning Board or otherwise. A public hearing on this application will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey where members of the public can be heard and ask questions concerning the contents of the application. Copies of the Applicant’s application and supporting plans and reports will be available for review in the office of the Department of Economic Development at 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, NJ at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date, during normal business hours. Patrick J. McNamara, Esq. Scarinci Hollenbeck 802 West Park Avenue, Suite 222 Ocean, New Jersey 07712-8526 11/08/14 $85.00
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Montville Township to look at mixed-use building on Main Street

Public Notice:

MORRIS COUNTY LEGAL NOTICE Montville Township, Morris County, New Jersey PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the undersigned has made application to the Montville Township Zoning Board of Adjustment for preliminary and final major site plan, conditional use approval, variance approval, design exception approval, and soil movement permit in conjunction with the redevelopment of property located at 9 Main Road, Montville, New Jersey, designated on the Official Tax Map of Montville Township as Block 47; Lot 2. The subject property is located in a B-1 Business Zone. There presently exists a single family dwelling and an accessory garage on the property. The Applicant proposes to demolish all structures on the property and construct one (1) new mixed use building with related parking lot, with trash enclosure. The Applicant proposes various commercial uses on the first floor, all of which are permitted uses in the B-1 Zone including but not limited to retail and personal service establishments, banks (excluding those with drive thru facilities), professional and medical offices, restaurant, professional and instructional studios, museums and art galleries, and libraries. Please note that the actual commercial tenants of the first floor of the premises are not yet known. The Applicant will seek approval for all permitted commercial uses in the B-1 Zone for the first floor of the premises. In addition, two (2) residential apartments are proposed on the second floor. The zoning ordinance of Montville Township permits residential apartments above commercial uses in the B-1 Zone provided that the Applicant demonstrates that the plans submitted comply with all of the zoning ordinance requirements for said conditional use. This project does not comply with all of the condition use requirements in the B-1 Zone therefore, variances are requested. The variances requested in association with this matter are as follows: 1. Front yard setback variance for proposed building and Route 202 and Main Road: 25 feet required, 10 feet proposed. 2. Minimum front yard setback from Highland Avenue for proposed building: 25 feet required, 15 feet proposed. 3. Minimum setback for front yard parking to Route 202: 25 feet required, 2 feet proposed. 4. Minimum side and rear yard parking setback: 10 feet required, 3.8 feet proposed. 5. Minimum parking setback from a residential zone: 20 feet required, 10 feet proposed. 6. Minimum / maximum loading spaces: 1 required, none (0) proposed. 7. Maximum floor area ratio: (the ratio between all floor area of the proposed building and the overall lot area of the property) 25% floor area ratio permitted, 29.4% proposed. 8. Monument sign – minimum setback of a monument sign from a right-of-way line: 10 feet required, 5 feet proposed. 9. Minimum lot area required 20,000 sq. ft., 18,107 sq. ft. existing and proposed. 10. Minimum depth of corner lot 125 foot of depth required, 98.5 feet existing and proposed. The Applicant also requests relief pursuant N.J.S. 40:55D-70d.3, commonly known as conditional use variance relative to the proposed apartments on the second floor of the building. The zoning ordinance requires that the Applicant meets a total of 5 conditions. The Applicant fails to meet the following conditions: 1. §230-170D: Compliance with all requirements applicable to the B-1 Business District as contained in Schedule D, schedule of area and bulk requirements. 2. §230-170E: which requires off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Schedule E, off-street parking requirements and further, in compliance with the limitation that all accessory parking areas must be restricted to side and rear yards only, whereas front yard parking is prohibited but it is nonetheless proposed. Failure to provide a loading space. In addition, the Applicant requests the following design waivers: 1. Failure to provide sidewalks along Route 202, which is otherwise required but not provided. 2. Failure to provide unencumbered access to dumpster area, where a dumpster is proposed to be located behind proposed parking spaces. 3. Minimum transition buffer to residential zone: 15 feet required, 10 feet proposed. 4. Driveways within a transition buffer to a residential zone prohibited, whereas such driveway proposed in the required 15 foot buffer area. In addition, the Applicant will request any variance, waiver, or exception as may be deemed necessary by the Montville Township Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to secure approval of all plans, plats, and applications submitted. Please note that this application is subject to further modification without further notice. In addition, this matter may be carried to a date in the future without further notice. In addition to the aforesaid relief, the Applicant also requests a soil movement permit approval seeking permission to export approximately 1,500 cubic yards of material from the subject property in conjunction with the redevelopment of the property aforesaid. The Applicant intends on utilizing the following roads in conjunction with this soil movement permit: Highland Avenue, Main Road, Route 287, Changebridge Road, Bloomfield Avenue, Route 46, and Route 80. This matter has been scheduled for a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment of Montville Township at their meeting of November 5, 2014 at 8pm, at the Montville Township Municipal Building, Counsel Chambers, 195 Changebridge Road, Montville, New Jersey 07045. At the time of the hearing, you may appear in person or by way of attorney to present any questions, comments, or evidence that you may have in this matter. All plans, plats, and applications for which approval is sought, are on file and available for public inspection at least ten (10) days before the public meeting, Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm, at the Montville Township Municipal Building, 195 Changebridge Road, Montville, New Jersey 07045, at the Land Use Department. Any questions relative to scheduling should be directed to the Zoning Board Secretary, Planning Board Secretary, Ms. Meghan Hunscher, PP, AICP, at (973) 331-3319. Respectfully submitted, Stonybrook Boutiques, LLC, Applicant ($118.80) 134187
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Morris Township Planning Board to Start Hearing Honeywell 147 Acre Application

Public Notice: 
MORRIS TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD Morris County, New Jersey NOTICE OF HEARING Please take notice that RG-Columbia, LLC (“Applicant”), the contract-purchaser of property located at 101 Columbia Road, Township of Morris, Morris County, New Jersey, also identified on the Township Tax Map as Block 9101, Lot 4 (“Property”), located in the OL-40 / PUD Zoning District, which received General Development Plan Approval on July 21st, 2014, has made application to the Morris Township Planning Board seeking preliminary and final major subdivision approval. The Property is comprised of approximately 147 acres and is presently developed with the Honeywell International, Inc. Campus. The Applicant proposes to subdivide the existing Property into a total of five lots. Each of the proposed lots range in size between 14.1 acres and 63.5 acres of area. The westernmost lot, comprised of approximately 14.6 acres in area, will be dedicated to open space. The balance of the proposed lots will be the subject of future site plan submissions and are intended to be comprised of mixed-use (commercial and residential) development. The Applicant also requests waivers from strict compliance with the Township major subdivision checklist, as it relates to the submission of: key map; soil erosion and sediment plan; street location details; utility and drainage details; elevations/contours; location of existing structures; stormwater management and sewer specifications; off-tract improvement details; soil support, lot grading and drainage specifications; right-of-way, street name and easement details; cross-section and profile details; detailed construction drawings; Township Health Officer certification; steep slope data; and wetland/stream area depictions. The Applicant will also seek any variances, waivers, interpretations and relief that may be required by the Board at the time of the public hearing. The matter is scheduled to commence with a public hearing before the Planning Board on November 3rd, 2014, at the Municipal Building, Township of Morris, 50 Woodland Avenue, Convent Station, NJ at 7:30 p.m., at which time you may appear, with or without counsel to be heard in connection with the application. The application documents are on file with the Board Secretary and are available for public inspection at the Town Hall, 50 Woodland Avenue, Convent Station, NJ, during normal business days between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. By: Douglas R. Henshaw, Esq. Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, PC 100

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Jersey City Planning Board Grants Final Major Site Plan Approval for 53 Story Building

Public Notice:


  CITY OF JERSEY CITY  (HUDSON COUNTY) NOTICE OF DECISION  BY THE PLANNING BOARD ON APPLICATION OF  JOURNAL SQUARE ASSOCIATES, LLC (BLOCK 9501, LOTS 4-8 AND 10-16)   On June 3, 2014, the City of Jersey City Planning Board adopted a Resolution, Case No. P12-085.2 granting Journal Square Associates, LLC Amended Final Major Site Plan Approval with Deviations for Phase 1 of a project for the property located at 595-621 Pavonia Avenue, 535-539 Summit Avenue, and 136 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, also known on the Jersey City Tax Maps as Block 9501, Lots 4-8 and 10-16 (“Amended Site Plan Approval”). The Amended Site Plan Approval permits the development of Phase 1 as a mixed-use project to include 538 residential units within a 53 story building with a maximum height (inclusive of the base) of approximately 563 feet, up to 4,000 square feet of commercial space, approximately 139 structured parking spaces, approximately 72 interim surface parking spaces, related signage and includes the redesign of the Magnolia Avenue kiss-and-ride drop off area to create a new plaza entry to the Journal Square Transportation Center. The Amended Site Plan Approval also allows other changes including but not limited to: facade lighting revisions, water service revisions, window system depth revisions, bicycle parking space revisions, sign location revisions, lighting revisions, Magnolia grade, landscaping, stairwell, ADA access and and Journal Square Transit Center screening revisions; facade material, parking garage drive aisle width, garage lighting plan and elevator, interior layout, landscape, podium canopy and building energy changes. A copy of the memorializing resolution is on file and available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the City Planning Office, 30 Montgomery Street, 14th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302. Connell Foley LLP Harborside Financial Center 2510 Plaza Five, Jersey City, NJ 07311   Dated: June 13, 2014 By: /s/ James C. McCann James C. McCann, Esq. Attorney for Applicant, Journal Square Associates, LLC   06/19/14 $85.00  
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Main Street Barnegat to See Mixed Use


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Enterprise Development Corp. has made application to the Barnegat Township Planning Board for preliminary and final major site plan approval to permit the construction of a mixed use development consisting of five buildings containing two restaurants, grocery store, eleven retail stores and thirty second floor apartment units at the property located at 97 and 107 South Main Street, Barnegat, NJ, also known as Block 195, Lots 5 and 6.01 on the official tax map of the Township of Barnegat.
Applicant will seek a bulk variance to permit a front yard set back of 83′ from South Main Street (30′ required); front yard set back of 66.8′ from Old Main Shore Road (30′ required). Applicant will seek any other variances that may be required by the Barnegat Township Planning Board at the time the application is heard at public hearing.
A public hearing has been ordered for Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Court Room, 900 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ, at which time all interested parties may appear personally or by agent or attorney and present testimony pertinent to this application.
Documents are available for inspection at the office of the Board Secretary, 900 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ, during regular business hours, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
Kelly & Visotcky, LLC
Richard P. Visotcky, Esquire
Attorney for Applicant
($37.80) 065353

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Jersey City Grants Preliminary Major SIte Plan Approval for Mixed Use Project

Public Notice:

  CITY OF JERSEY CITY (HUDSON COUNTY) NOTICE OF DECISION BY THE PLANNING BOARD ON APPLICATION OF LHN OWNER, LLC (Block 15901, Lot 17, Master Unit 1; Block 15901, Lot 16.01; Lot 14.01 a/k/a Part of Lot 14; Lot 19; Lot 21.03 a/k/a Part of Lot 21.01; and Block 15810, Lot 1 a/k/a Block 15901, Part of Lot 14)   On February 11, 2014, the City of Jersey City Planning Board adopted a Resolution, Case No. P13-084 granting LHN Owner, LLC Preliminary Major Site Plan Approval with deviationslvariances for Phase 1 and 2 of the project and Final Major Site Plan Approval with deviationslvariances for Phase 1 of the project for the property located at 155 Marin Boulevard, a/k/a 1 and 33 Park Avenue; Morris Boulevard; Marin Boulevard; and 130 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey, also known on the Jersey City Tax Maps as Block 15901, Lot 17, Master Unit 1; Block 15901, Lot 16.01; Lot 14.01 a/k/a part of Lot 14; Lot 19; Lot 21.03 a/k/a part of Lot 21.01; and Block 15810, Lot 1 a/k/a Block 15901, Part of 14 (“Site Plan Approval”).  The Site Plan Approval permits the development of a mixed-use project containing 900 residential units, up to 14,327 square feet of commercial space, which may include leasing, retail, restaurant and other permitted uses, approximately 722 permanent parking spaces, 14 retail signs and 2 building signs. The Site Plan Approval also permits the construction of that portion of Avenue E and Seventh Street that is adjacent to the project; the widening of that portion of Marin Boulevard and Park Avenue that is adjacent to the project; and the construction a portion of the waterfront walkway with a new bulkhead on property located on the easterly side of Marin Boulevard.  A copy of the memorializing resolution is on file and available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the City Planning Office, 30 Montgomery Street, 14th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302.  Connell Foley LLP Harborside Financial Center 2510 Plaza Five, Jersey City, NJ 07311  By: /s/ James C. McCann James C. McCann, Esq. Attorney for Applicant, LHN Owner, LLC   02/25/14 $85.00  
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North Brunswick Planning Board to hear “MAIN STREET” Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Plan

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, at 7:30 p.m., at the North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, located at 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, the Planning Board (“Board”) of the Township of North Brunswick will hold a public hearing on the application of North Brunswick TOD Associates, LLC (“Applicant”) for amended general development plan approval and amended preliminary major site plan approval (collectively, the “Approval”) with respect to Applicant’s proposed MainStreetNB Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development (“Project”) for the property located at 2300 U.S. Route 1 North, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, and also known and designated as Block 141 (new), Lots (new) 1 through 7, 11 through 24, 29, 31, 33, 33.02, 36 through 48, 48.01, 49 through 60, 63, 120 through 123 and 141 through 143 on the current tax and assessment map of the Township of North Brunswick (the “Property”). This Property is located in the I-2 Industrial Zone District and is eligible to be developed pursuant to the Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development Overlay Regulations. The specific approvals the Applicant seeks are as follows: The Applicant seeks amended general development plan approval and amended preliminary major site plan approval to reduce the size of the Project such that the Project will now consist of: 525,000 square feet of retail/commercial uses; 195,000 square feet of office uses; 124 hotel rooms; 1,875 residential units, of which 500 are city homes/townhouses and 1,375 are multifamily units; a train station; 1,300 transit parking spaces; a bus depot with approximately 500 parking spaces; and associated site improvements. While the Applicant believes that its application is in conformance with the Ordinance, it hereby requests any variances, deviations, amendments, waivers, exceptions and/or other approvals as are required to obtain the Approval. At the aforesaid hearing, all interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Copies of the plans, applications and other materials comprising the applications for the Approval are available in the Division of Planning & Affordable Housing, North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted. Please contact the Division of Planning & Affordable Housing, North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902 for further information at 732-247-0922. North Brunswick TOD Associates, LLC By: Its Attorneys, Sills Cummis & Gross PC Kevin J. Moore, Esq. ($39.00) 011322  

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Jersey City Board of Adjustment to Hear Application for Brunwick and First, LLC

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF HEARING    Please be advised that an Application for: Brunswick and First, LLC, Applicant/Owner 102-1 10 Brunswick Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302   Major Site Plan approval, Variance for non-permitted use, Variance for Side and Rear Yard; Variance for Building Height; Variance for building and coverage as well as any other variance(s) the Board may deem as required, has been filed with the:  Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment for property located at: 102-110 Brunswick Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302  B1ock(s) 11005 Lot(s) 34   The purpose of this application is to:  Approve the construction of a four story, ten (10) unit building for mixed commercial and residential use.  Any person interested in this application will have the opportunity to address the Board at the meeting of Zoning Board on February 20, 2014 at 6:30pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  Plans are available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00am and 4:00pm at the City Planning Division, Zoning Board of Adjustment, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  By: Brunswick and First, LLC, Applicant/Owner  February 7, 2014   02/10/14 $132.57  

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