Somerset County

Dunellen to Hear Redevelopment Application for Mixed Use Building

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOROUGH OF DUNELLEN PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on Monday, June 23, 2014, at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 355 North Avenue, Dunellen, New Jersey, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the Planning Board of the Borough of Dunellen for Preliminary and Final Site Plan and Variance Approvals (Section 115A-15.1C & RSIS: off-street parking – 34 spaces required, 22 spaces provided; Section 115-35G: diagonal or corner building entrances prohibited, corner building entrance proposed; various waivers from completeness checklist) and such other variances, relief and/or waivers that may be required upon an analysis of the plans and testimony at the PUBLIC HEARING on the Application submitted by the Applicant/Owner, 216 North Avenue Associates, LLC, for the property located at 216-234 North Avenue, Dunellen, New Jersey, Block 2, Lot 17.01 on the Tax Map of the Borough of Dunellen. The property is located in Zone B (Business District) and included in the Dunellen Downtown Redevelopment Plan. The Applicant is proposing to construct a 3-story, mixed-use building on the property consisting of first floor commercial space of approximately 3,600 sf. and 4 residential units on the 2nd and 3rd floors for a total of 8 two-bedroom units. When the case is called you may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present any objections which you may have to the granting of this Application. All documents relating to this Application are on file and available for PUBLIC INSPECTION in the Planning Board Office located in the Municipal Building, 355 North Avenue, Dunellen, New Jersey, during that Office’s business hours. Joseph Paparo, Esq. HEHL & HEHL, PC Attorneys for the Applicant ($29.92) 091660  
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Franklin Township Grants Greek Approval for Industrial Buildings


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Franklin Township Planning Board, at its April 16, 2014 public meeting, adopted a resolution granting, to the undersigned, the relief described below in connection with the construction of two buildings, containing a total of approximately 208,740 square feet of floor area for light industrial, warehouse and related uses, with ancillary offices, on premises containing 38.31 acres, located in the M-2 (Light Manufacturing) Zoning District at the terminus of Roosevelt Avenue, and also having frontage on Veronica Avenue (the “Premises”). The Premises is shown on the Franklin Township Tax Maps as Block 88.02, Lots 36.09, 36.10 and 36.11. The relief granted is as follows:
1. Amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval.
2. Minor subdivision approval to reduce the number of lots from three to two.
3. A variance from ?112-25 of the Franklin Township Municipal Land Use Ordinance, with regard to the 100 foot minimum required setback of a structure from a gas or fuel transmission line, so as to allow one of the proposed buildings to be located less than 100 feet from an existing Sun Oil petroleum line.
Copies of the resolution, application, plans and supporting materials are on file in the office of the Franklin Township Planning Board at the Franklin Township Municipal Complex, 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset, New Jersey and are available there for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
33 Cotters Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
($26.84) 067818

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Somerville to consider additional redevelopment areas

Public Notice:


  BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE   PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE PLANNING BOARD Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Borough of Somerville shall hold a public meeting at 7:00 P.M. on April 23, 2014 in the Borough Council Chambers, 24 South Bridge Street, Somerville, NJ. The meeting is with respect to a study to determine whether properties identified on the Tax Maps of the Borough of Somerville known as Block 115, Lots 6, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20.01, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32 and 32.01, and Hunterdon Street will qualify as a “non-condemnation” area in need of redevelopment according to the criteria set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law. These properties represent either a proposed expansion of the existing West Main Street Redevelopment Area or possibly the creation of a new Redevelopment Area. At the public meeting, the Planning Board shall present the details of the study and hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by the inclusion of Block 115, Lots 6, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20.01, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32 and 32.01, and Hunterdon Street into the proposed Redevelopment Area. A copy of a map showing the boundaries of the proposed Redevelopment Area (the Blocks and Lots and properties as noted above) is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk, 25 West End Avenue, Somerville, NJ, and is available for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. All persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is a redevelopment area may attend the meeting and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Planning Board. ($28.60) 051501  
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