New Brunwick Board of Adjustment to Hear Mixed-Use Project on Seaman Street

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on Nov. 25, 2013 at a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of New Brunswick, City Hall, 78 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, NJ. On said date and time you may appear in person or by your attorney and present any comments or objections which you may have to the application described below. The subject of the hearing will be the Cerda/SEA, LLC application (Docket No.ZB-2013-07) for the property located at 340-346 Seaman Street, New Brunswick, NJ., also known as Block 183, Lots 32.01, 35, 36 City of New Brunswick Tax Map. Major Site Plan approval is sought. Use variance relief is sought from the following requirements of the C-2B (Community Commercial District): 1. The maximum allowable building height is 40′. The application proposes a building height of 46′. 2. The zone allows mixed-use buildings with ground floor containing permitted commercial uses with residential uses above. The application proposes a mixed-use building with the ground floor containing both permitted commercial uses and residential uses. Bulk variance/waivers/approvals are sought as follows: 1. Minimum front setback. The ordinance required 10′; the application proposes 1′. 2. The governing ordinance/standards require 68 parking spaces; the application proposes 9 parking spaces. 3. The governing ordinance/standards require parking space in the loading area for the ground floor commercial uses; the application proposes 0 spaces. 4. The governing ordinance/standards require a minimum 5′ wide buffer area surrounding all sides of a parking lot exposed to view, 3′ vehicle setback and a 10′ wide are adjacent to residential; the application proposes a 1′ buffer provided on the south side. 5. The governing ordinance/standards require 37 trees; the application proposes 3 street trees plus 28 undersized evergreen trees plus the applicant’s proposal to contribute for all outstanding trees. 6. The governing ordinance/standards require a minimum 4′ high visually impervious screen around the parking lot and a 6′ high screen abutting residential uses; the applicant proposes installation of fencing as directed. 7. If an on-site loading space is required the applicant seeks relief from that condition. Relief is also sought from any other variance or relief as may be deemed to be required. A copy of the plan and all supporting documents is on file in the office of the Department of Community Development, 25 Kirkpatrick Street, Civic Street, New Brunswick, NJ for public inspection weekdays between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm. Dennis Alan Auciello, P.A. 69 Paterson Street, P.O. Box 528 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (732) 828-0900 Attorney for Applicant ($40.04) 896963   
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