
Monroe Township looks at Application of The Gables at Applegarth Village

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF MONROE PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the applicant, THE GABLES AT APPLEGARTH VILLAGE, LLC has applied to the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Monroe in accordance with the provisions of Section 108 of the Monroe Township Land Development Ordinance for Preliminary Major Subdivision and Site Plan Approval concerning premises known as Lot 12.27, Block 15 which is located at the intersection of Applegarth and Federal Roads in the Township of Monroe. Applicant seeks to develop the site in accordance with a Use Variance previously granted to the Applicant as a mixed use development consisting of approximately 57,020 square feet of commercial space within five (5) buildings and 71 age-restricted townhouse dwellings. As part of the Applicant’s presentation, the Applicant shall seek the following Variance relief: 1. Section 108-10.1.M – Variance requested for providing 6 monument (freestanding) signs onsite where a maximum of one (1) is permitted; 2. Section 108.10.1.M – Variance requested for providing freestanding monument sign S-02 at 320 SF where a maximum of 100 SF is permitted; 3. Section 108-10.1.M – Variance requested for providing freestanding monument sign S-03 at 117 SF, where a maximum of 100 SF is permitted. 4. Section-108-10.1.M – Variance requested for providing freestanding monument sign S-01 at 11 ft. height where 8 ft. maximum height is permitted. 5. Section-108-6.4 – Variance requested for providing a front setback of 45.69 ft. for townhome on proposed Lot #48 where 50 ft. is required by ordinance. 6. Section 108-9.1A – Variance requested for not providing a designated loading area 10′ x 50′ for Buildings A, B and C, as deliveries to these buildings will be by panel truck only. 7. Section 108-12.23B- Variance requested for providing a trash enclosure for Building A in the front yard area. This enclosure will be screened from view. 8. Section 108-12.6G.(4) – Variance requested for providing lawn areas grades greater than 5 ft. from a building grades at 33.3% where a maximum of 20% is permitted. These lawn areas will be stabilized with sod. 9. Section 108-9.1A(13) – Variance requested for providing parking in the front yard in two locations, north of Building A and west of Building C where parking areas are not permitted in any front yard area. Parking areas are adequately buffered. 10. Section 108-9.1B.(1) – Variance requested for providing parking stall size of 10 ft. wide x 19 ft. deep in the commercial area and 19 feet wide x 18 feet deep in the residential area where 10 ft. x 20 ft. is required. 11. Section 108-9.1E.1 – Variance requested for providing parking in various locations at 10-15 ft. from the building where a minimum of 30 ft. is required. 12. Section 108-6.4 – Variance requested for providing a minimum of 27.21 ft. buffer for townhomes along ROW, where a 50 ft. buffer is required and a variance for 34.5 ft. was previously granted. A Hearing on this application by the Zoning Board will be held on September 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Township of Monroe Municipal Complex, One Municipal Plaza, Monroe, N.J., Township of Monroe, Middlesex County, N.J. You may appear in person or by agent or attorney and present any objections which you may have to the granting of this application. The applicant also intends to request at the hearing such other variances and/or waivers of design standards and/or submission requirements as are required to develop the premises in the manner indicated in the application materials. Applications, maps and other related documents of the proposed development are on file in the Office of the Monroe Township Planning and Development, Municipal Complex, One Municipal Plaza, Monroe, N.J. (732-521-4400 ext. 46). Interested parties should contact the office to make an appointment to review the application and supporting documents. Dated: September 15, 2014 JONATHAN M. HEILBRUNN Attorney for Applicant ($77.44) 96632
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Bloomfield Planning Board to Hear Age-Restricted Housin

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAR BEFORE  THE BLOOMFIELD PLANNING BOARD  An application requesting development approval has been filed by Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC, for 390 Franklin Street, Block 311, Lot 13. The applicant seeks the following relief:  Final Major Site Plan approval, waiver of Site Plan requirements and variance relief, including a variance to exceed the maximum front yard setback; to allow for less than the parking spaces required; to pierce the Sky Exposure Plane and to obtain the bonus height to allow for a building of five stories.  Applicant will also seek any other relief the Board deems appropriate.  The indicated approval is requested to permit the applicant to construct 82 Senior/Age Restricted Affordable Housing Units.   The Bloomfield Planning Board has scheduled a public hearing on the application to be held on January 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey.   This application may be reviewed in the Board Secretary’s office in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey during the ten (10) days prior to the meeting. This notice is required by law and is being published at the direction of the Planning Board.  Dated: December 30, 2013  Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC  /s/ Diane Dabulas, Esq. By Diane Dabulas Rogut McCarthy LLC  Counsel for Applicant 1/3/2014 $80.04  
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City of Vineland to consider Assisted Living Facility


TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the City of Vineland will hold public hearings at its regular meeting to be held Wednesday, December 11 , 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at which time all interested parties may be heard in Council Chambers of City Hall (Second Floor), Seventh and Wood Streets, Vineland, New Jersey on the following:

1. Newcomb Medical Alliance Center, LLC – a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for major site plan approval to construct a 3 story building with a total of 69 assisted living units together with a 1,937 square foot canopy and a separate 3 story building with a total of 74 independent living units (62 one bedroom and 12 two bedroom) together with a 2,074 square foot canopy with variance for front yard setback, on-site parking amount, impervious coverage, principal building height and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of Almond Street, easterly side of State Street, westerly side of Howard Street and northerly side of Chestnut Avenue , Block 4216 Lots 1 and 2, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.

2. Southwest Council- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for minor site plan approval to utilize existing asphalt parking spaces, installed without approval, for proposed substance abuse counseling and treatment center with variance for rear yard setback and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the easterly side of Delsea Drive between Wheat Road and Oak Road, Block 1601 Lot 98, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.

4. Vineland Municipal Utility- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for preliminary and final major site plan approval to install equipment and construct a 225 square foot equipment shed for a municipal utility facility (electric substation), variance for impervious lot coverage and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of New Peach Street between Lubins Lane and Quigley Avenue, Block 2704 Lots 33 and 34, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.

5. Slomin- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for revised minor site plan approval to alter the required site improvements and parking space layout at an existing site that contains a vehicle rental business and a personal service shop (salon), variance for impervious lot coverage, and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the easterly side of Delsea Drive between Chestnut Avenue and Walnut Road, Block 4801 Lot 72, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.

6. City of Vineland- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for resubdivision approval to reconfigure existing lots, variance for impervious lot coverage, side buffer, and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of Park Avenue between Delsea Drive and West Avenue, Block 2801 Lots 5, 9, 10, 11, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.

The plans may be seen in the Planning Board Office on the 4th floor of City Hall, during regular business hours.

The meeting will terminate promptly at 11:00 PM. Any items begun before 11:00 PM will be completed. Any item on the agenda that is not heard will be continued to the next Planning Board meeting.
CITY OF VINELAND PLANNING BOARD David Manders, Chairman ptr fee $53.04 #1641215

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Ocean Township Ocean County, to Hear Application for 76 Age-Restricted, Affordable Rental Community


Ocean Township

Affordable Housing in Ocean Township

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Ocean Planning Board (the “Board”) will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township of Ocean Town Hall at 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean.
The Application is made by MBI Development Company, Inc. (the “Applicant”) concerning the property identified as Block 41, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.03, 29.07, 30, and 36.01 on the Tax Map of the Township of Ocean.
The Applicant seeks to construct a three story 76 Unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing.
The purpose of the hearing is to consider an application for an Amended Major Site Plan (Preliminary and Final Approval), a Minor Subdivision, Bulk Variances, Site Plan Waivers (if necessary) and such other relief as may be deemed appropriate.
Application is made for the purpose of the following relief:
-An amended Major Site Plan (Preliminary and Final Approval) to construct a three story 76 unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing;
-A Minor Subdivision to subdivide one (1) lot to create three (3) lots;
Parking setback line: The Applicant seeks approval of an approximate 17′ parking setback where 25′ is required by Township Ordinance;
Maximum height of building: The Applicant seeks a 3 story structure whereas 2.5 stories are the maximum allowed by Ordinance. The 3 story height is consistent with the prior existing approval on the Premises;
Right-of-way: Willow Street meets the 60′ right-of-way requirement, however, Willow Street will be a private street and not a municipal street;
Memorial Drive sidewalk (both sides): The Township Zoning Ordinance requires a 10′ wide sidewalk on both sides of a street. Applicant proposes a 4′ sidewalk on one side, as the Applicant does not have ownership or control of the other side of Memorial Drive;
Willow Street sidewalk (both sides): The Township Zoning Ordinance requires a 10′ wide sidewalk on both sides of a street. Applicant proposes a 86′ sidewalk on one side. The Applicant has safety concerns about sidewalks on both sides of the privately owned Willow Street;
Parking requirements on both sides of Memorial Drive: The Township Ordinance requires 9′ wide parking spaces on both sides of a street. As previously indicated, the Applicant does not own or control the other side of Memorial Drive. In addition, the Applicant proposes no parking on Memorial Drive as there is sufficient parking within the development;
Parking requirements on both sides of Willow Street: The Township Ordinance requires 9′ wide parking facilities on both sides of a street. The Applicant proposes 20 angled parking spaces on one side of Willow Street; and
-Any and all other waivers, variances, or approvals that the Board may require.
A copy of the proposed plan(s) are available for public inspection during official hours at the office of the Board in the Municipal Building, 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean. For more information please call (609) 693-3302.
Further take notice that said Board may at its discretion, adjourn, postpone, or continue the said hearings from time to time, and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Board Secretary concerning such adjournments, postponements, or continuations.
MBI Development Company Inc.
c/o The D’Elia Law Firm, LLC
13000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 300
Marlton, New Jersey 08053
($99.00) 913726
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