HOVSONS, INC. Seeks preliminary & final major site plan approval for 272 multi-family units in Neptune Township

Notice Content

TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HOVSONS, INC. FOR PREMISES KNOWN AS BLOCK 4001, LOTS 1, 2, 3 and 8 (Formerly known as 1500, LOTS 5, 20, 21 AND 22) ON THE OFFICIAL TAX MAP OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Neptune will hold a special public hearing on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at the Neptune Township Municipal Complex, Township Meeting Room, Second Floor, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune, New Jersey, to consider the application of Hovsons, Inc., for property known as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 8 in Block 4001 (Formerly known as Lots 5, 20, 21 and 22, Block 1500) as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Neptune which property fronts on the east side of Hovchild Boulevard in between NJ State Highway Route 33 and McNamara Way in Neptune, New Jersey. Portions of the subject property also have frontages on McNamara Way, Oakcrest Drive, and Jumping Brook Road. Applicant seeks preliminary and final major site plan approval with use and bulk variance relief outlined herein below, in order to develop the subject site as a multi-family, residential development providing 272 multi-family residential units located in buildings two (2), three (3) and four (4) stories high along with associated recreational facilities (community center and pool), parking, lighting, drainage and landscaping improvements. The proposed plan has been revised over what the Board has previously considered. The subject property is 39.997 acres which is proposed to be consolidated as one lot. Residential development, including multi-family, is not a permitted, accessory or conditional use within C-1 Zone District in which this property is located. Accordingly, Applicant seeks use variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.d.1 In addition to the use variance, Applicant may seek bulk variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.c as follows: 1. Location of parking spaces in a front yard setback whereas such spaces are prohibited. 2. 3-story and 4-story multi-family residential buildings, whereas a maximum of 2 stories is permitted. 3. Building height of 42 feet for the 4-story buildings, whereas a maximum of 40 feet is permitted. Only 2 of the buildings are proposed to be 4-stories and they are the buildings closest to Hovchild Boulevard and furthest away from the single-family homes on Oakcrest Drive. 4. Lack of required fire escapes from 3rd and 4th floor apartments. 5. 4 free-standing signs, whereas a maximum of one free-standing sign per lot frontage is permitted. 6. 6-foot high, black coated vinyl chain link fence located in a front yard (Oakcrest Drive), whereas such fences are not permitted in a front yard. 7. Lot Width of 348 feet on McNamara Way, whereas a minimum lot width of 500 feet is required. 8. Lot frontage of 110 feet on McNamara Way, whereas a minimum frontage of 500 feet is required. Applicant may seek waivers from the site plan requirements pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51 as follows: 1. Buildings with a total facade measurement of 180 feet, where as the maximum permitted is 150 feet with offsets along walls measuring greater than 50 feet. 2. Having more than 40% of the dwelling units being located in the same type of building. 3. Driveway width of 24 feet, whereas the maximum permitted is 22 feet. 4. Lack of landscaped island strips of a minimum of 4 feet in width at the end of each row of parking. 5. More than 8 parking spaces in a continuous row without an intervening landscape island strip of a minimum of 7 feet in width. 6. Lack of required landscaped buffers. 7. Lack of required foundation plantings. 8. Lack of a private rear yard consisting of a minimum area of 200 square feet for dwelling units located on a ground floor level. 9. Lack of defining 3-foot high fence/hedge for front and side yards of a building fronting a street, driveway or parking lot. 10. Building orientation towards parking areas, whereas dwelling units and buildings shall be oriented towards the public street and interior open spaces and away from parking areas and garages. 11. Stormwater management design variation from groundwater recharge and quantity reduction standards. Applicant also expressly makes application for any additional exceptions, waivers, variances, interpretations and other approvals as reflected on the filed plans (as same may be further amended from time to time without further notice) and as may be determined to be necessary by the Board during the review and processing of the application, specifically including any relief deemed necessary concerning signage. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you are privileged to be present at said public hearing to present any and all comments you may have to the granting of said approvals. The hearing may be continued without further notice on such additional or other dates as the Board may determine. The application and supporting documents are on file with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune, New Jersey and are available for inspection during normal business hours. For more information you may call the Board Secretary at 732-988-5200 ext. 278. Archer and Greiner, P.C. Attorneys for Applicant GULIET HIRSCH, ESQ. December 16, 2016 ($162.00)

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Neptune Board of Adjustment to Hear Application of HOVSON’s 312 unit

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HOVSONS, INC. FOR PREMISES KNOWN AS BLOCK 1500, LOTS 1, 2 5, 20, 21 AND 22 ON THE OFFICIAL TAX MAP OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Neptune will hold a special public hearing on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Neptune Township Municipal Complex, Township Meeting Room, Second Floor, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune, New Jersey, to consider the application of Hovsons, Inc., for property known as Lots 1,2, 5, 20, 21 and 22 all in Block 1500 as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Neptune which are two non-contiguous parcels fronting on the east side of Hovchild Boulevard in between NJ State Highway Route 33 and McNamara Way in Neptune, New Jersey. Portions of the subject property also have frontages on McNamara Way, Oakcrest Drive, NJ State Highway Route 33 and Jumping Brook Road. Applicant seeks preliminary major site plan approval and minor subdivision approval along with use and bulk variance relief outlined herein below, in order to develop the subject site as a mixed-use retail and multi-family residential development providing 10,000 square feet of retail space, 312 multi-family residential units and associated recreational facilities (community center and pool), parking, lighting, drainage and landscaping improvements. The subject property is currently two separate parcels: Lots 1 and 2 containing 3.32 acres and Lots 5, 20, 21, & 22 containing 39.997 acres. Lots 5, 20, 21 & 22 are proposed to be subdivided to create two lots: proposed Lot 5.01 containing 3.093 acres to be developed with the retail space; and, proposed Lot 5.02, containing 36.866 acres to be developed with multi-family residential and associated recreational facilities and related improvements. Residential development, including multi-family, is not a permitted, accessory or conditional use within C-1 Zone District in which this property is located. Accordingly, Applicant seeks use variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.d.1 In addition to the use variance, Applicant also seeks bulk variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.c as follows: 1. Location of parking spaces in a front yard setback. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 2. Three (3) story multi-family residential buildings, whereas a maximum of two (2) stories is permitted. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.02) 3. Lack of required fire escapes from 3rd floor apartments. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.02) 4. More than one free-standing sign per lot frontage. (3 signs on Proposed Lot 5.02 and 2 signs on Lots 1 and 2) 5. Six-foot high, black coated vinyl chain link fence located in a front yard (Oakcrest Drive), whereas such fences are not permitted in a front yard. (Proposed Lot 5.02) 6. Lot width of 95 feet on NJSH Route 33, whereas a minimum lot width of 500 feet is required. (Lots 1 and 2) 7. Lot frontage of 74.44 feet on NJSH Route 33, whereas a minimum frontage of 500 feet is required. (Lots 1 and 2) 8. Lot frontage of 65.84 feet, whereas a minimum frontage of 500 feet is required. (Proposed Lot 5.01) 9. Lot depth of 409.63, whereas a minimum depth of 600 feet is required. (Proposed Lot 5.01) 10. Lot width of 348.69 feet, whereas a minimum width of 500 feet is required. (Proposed Lot 5.01) 11. Exceeding the minimum number of required parking stalls for a non-residential use by more than 20%: 115 off street parking spaces proposed, whereas the minimum required is 48. (Proposed Lot 5.01) 12. Improvable area less than the required minimum of 84,900 square feet. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.01)
Applicant also seeks waivers from the site plan requirements pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51 as follows: 1. Buildings having a total façade measurement of 180 feet, whereas the maximum permitted is 150 feet with offsets along walls measuring greater than 50 feet. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.02) 2. Perimeter parking lot setbacks from rear and side property lines of 6 feet (Lots 1 and 2) and 9 feet (Proposed Lot 5.01), whereas a minimum of 10 feet is required. 3. Building setback 10 feet from parking areas, whereas a minimum of 15 feet is required. (Lots 1 and 2) 4. Driveway width of 24 feet, whereas the maximum permitted is 22 feet. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 5. Lack of landscaped island strips of a minimum of 4 feet in width at the end of each row of parking. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 6. More than 8 parking spaces in a continuous row without an intervening landscape island strip of a minimum of 7 feet in width. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 7. Lack of required landscaped buffers. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 8. Lack of required foundation plantings. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02) 9. Lack of a private rear yard consisting of a minimum area of 200 square feet for dwelling units located on a ground floor level. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.02) 10. Lack of defining 3-foot high fence/hedge for front and side yards of a building fronting a street, driveway or parking lot. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lot 5.02) 11. Lack of required building type mix for developments of 25 or more dwelling units. 12. Lack of required mix of dwelling units for developments of 25 or more units. 13. Building orientation towards parking areas, whereas dwelling units and buildings shall be oriented towards the public street and interior open spaces and away from parking areas and garages. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed 5.02) 14. Stormwater management design variation from groundwater recharge and quantity reduction standards. (Lots 1, 2 and Proposed Lots 5.01 and 5.02)

Applicant also expressly makes application for any additional exceptions, waivers, variances, interpretations and other approvals as reflected on the filed plans (as same may be further amended from time to time without further notice) and as may be determined to be necessary by the Board during the review and processing of the application, specifically including any relief deemed necessary concerning signage. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you are privileged to be present at said public hearing to present any and all comments you may have to the granting of said approvals. The hearing may be continued without further notice on such additional or other dates as the Board may determine. The application and supporting documents are on file with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune, New Jersey and are available for inspection during normal business hours. For more information you may call the Board Secretary at 732-988-5200 ext. 278. ANSELL GRIMM & AARON, P.C. Attorneys for Applicant JENNIFER S. KRIMKO, ESQ. July 2, 2014 ($171.00) 099302

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