Ocean County NJ

Toms River Land Use Element to be the Subject of Public Hearing


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Toms River Township Planning Board at the Toms River Township Municipal Building, 33 Washington Street, Toms River, New Jersey, on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, at 6:00 pm, to consider the adoption of an Amended Land Use Element as part of the Master Plan of Toms River Township.
A copy of the Amended Land Use Element will be on file ten (10) days prior to the hearing date with the Planning Board Clerk at the Toms River Township Municipal Building, 33 Washington Street, Toms River, NJ, and may be inspected on any weekday during regular business hours.
At the public hearing you may appear in person or by agent or attorney and raise questions or offer comment with respect to the adoption of the Amended Land Use Element as part of the Master Plan of Toms River Township.
Lucia Lynch, Secretary
Toms River Township Planning Board
($29.00) 911637

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Ocean Township Ocean County, to Hear Application for 76 Age-Restricted, Affordable Rental Community


Ocean Township

Affordable Housing in Ocean Township

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Ocean Planning Board (the “Board”) will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township of Ocean Town Hall at 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean.
The Application is made by MBI Development Company, Inc. (the “Applicant”) concerning the property identified as Block 41, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.03, 29.07, 30, and 36.01 on the Tax Map of the Township of Ocean.
The Applicant seeks to construct a three story 76 Unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing.
The purpose of the hearing is to consider an application for an Amended Major Site Plan (Preliminary and Final Approval), a Minor Subdivision, Bulk Variances, Site Plan Waivers (if necessary) and such other relief as may be deemed appropriate.
Application is made for the purpose of the following relief:
-An amended Major Site Plan (Preliminary and Final Approval) to construct a three story 76 unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing;
-A Minor Subdivision to subdivide one (1) lot to create three (3) lots;
Parking setback line: The Applicant seeks approval of an approximate 17′ parking setback where 25′ is required by Township Ordinance;
Maximum height of building: The Applicant seeks a 3 story structure whereas 2.5 stories are the maximum allowed by Ordinance. The 3 story height is consistent with the prior existing approval on the Premises;
Right-of-way: Willow Street meets the 60′ right-of-way requirement, however, Willow Street will be a private street and not a municipal street;
Memorial Drive sidewalk (both sides): The Township Zoning Ordinance requires a 10′ wide sidewalk on both sides of a street. Applicant proposes a 4′ sidewalk on one side, as the Applicant does not have ownership or control of the other side of Memorial Drive;
Willow Street sidewalk (both sides): The Township Zoning Ordinance requires a 10′ wide sidewalk on both sides of a street. Applicant proposes a 86′ sidewalk on one side. The Applicant has safety concerns about sidewalks on both sides of the privately owned Willow Street;
Parking requirements on both sides of Memorial Drive: The Township Ordinance requires 9′ wide parking spaces on both sides of a street. As previously indicated, the Applicant does not own or control the other side of Memorial Drive. In addition, the Applicant proposes no parking on Memorial Drive as there is sufficient parking within the development;
Parking requirements on both sides of Willow Street: The Township Ordinance requires 9′ wide parking facilities on both sides of a street. The Applicant proposes 20 angled parking spaces on one side of Willow Street; and
-Any and all other waivers, variances, or approvals that the Board may require.
A copy of the proposed plan(s) are available for public inspection during official hours at the office of the Board in the Municipal Building, 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean. For more information please call (609) 693-3302.
Further take notice that said Board may at its discretion, adjourn, postpone, or continue the said hearings from time to time, and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Board Secretary concerning such adjournments, postponements, or continuations.
MBI Development Company Inc.
c/o The D’Elia Law Firm, LLC
13000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 300
Marlton, New Jersey 08053
($99.00) 913726
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Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee, Ocean County, to hear 76 Unit Age-Restricted, Affordable Housing Application


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Ocean acting in its capacity as the Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee (the “Committee”) will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township of Ocean Town Hall at 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean.
The Application is made by MBI Development Inc. (the “Applicant”) concerning the property identified as Block 41, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.03, 29.07, 30, and 36.01 on the Tax Map of the Township of Ocean.
The Applicant seeks to construct a three story 76 Unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing.
The purpose of the hearing is to make a determination that the proposed Plan is consistent with the legal requirements of the Township of Ocean Economic Redevelopment Plan together with any and all other approvals that the Committee may require or deem appropriate.
A copy of the proposed plan(s) are available for public inspection during official hours at the office of the Committee in the Municipal Building, 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean. For more information please call (609) 693-3302.
Further take notice that said Committee may at its discretion, adjourn, postpone, or continue the said hearings from time to time, and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Committee Secretary concerning such adjournments, postponements, or continuations.
MBI Development Inc
c/o The D’Elia Law Firm, LLC
13000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 300
Marlton, New Jersey 08053
($49.00) 893162

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Brick Township Planning Board to hear 7-lot subdivision

Public Notice:


That A.J. Skora, Inc. has applied to the Brick Township Planning Board for preliminary major subdivision approval so as to allow for the creation of seven single-family residential lots from one existing lot at property located at the terminus of Forest Avenue, Princess Avenue, Cedar Avenue and Green Grove Road, also known as Block 756.01, Lot 6 in the Township of Brick. The applicant also seeks variances for minimum lot frontage, 45 feet is required, whereas 40 feet is proposed for new lots 6.06 and 6.07; percentage of lot frontage, lot frontages may not be reduced to less than 60% of the minimum width requirements, whereas 40% is proposed for new lots 6.06 and 6.07; for double frontage interior lots, interior lots are permitted to have frontage on one right-of-way, whereas new lots 6.03, 6.04, 6.06 and 6.07 are double frontage lots; and for fencing, 4- foot high fencing is permitted within the front yard setback area of the property, whereas 6- foot fencing is proposed on new lots 6.01, 6.03, 6.04 and 6.06 within the front yard setback area. The applicant also seeks waivers from the provision of earthwork quantities; from the provision of an Environmental Impact Statement; from the provision of curbs and sidewalks along the Princess Avenue and Forest Avenue frontage; and from the provision of sidewalks along the Green Grove Road and Cedar Avenue frontages. The applicant may seek additional variances and/or waivers as required by law or the Brick Township Planning Board including, but not limited to, any accessory rear yard setback nonconformities created by proposed decking that may encroach the 25-foot required setback for new lots 6.01, 6.03 and 6.04; and reapproval and/or reaffirmation of any and all other relief that may have been granted in any prior applications.
This application will be heard by the Brick Township Planning Board at a public meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 in the Brick Township Municipal Complex, 401 Chambers Bridge Road, Brick, New Jersey. The meeting will commence at 7:00 P.M. at which time you may appear either in person or by an attorney and present any objection or questions you may have to the granting of this application. The application and supporting documents of this application are on file with the Board Secretary and may be inspected by you during regular business hours of the Township of Brick.
Attorney for A.J. Skora, Inc.
($66.00)_ 885445

Township of Barnegat puts out RFP for professional services

Public Notice:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10 of the General Code of the Township of Barnegat, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey is seeking proposals for the following professional services for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014: 1-Township Attorney 19-Rent Leveling Board Financial Consultant 2-Township Engineer 20-Planning Board Attorney 3-Township Auditor 21-Planning Board Engineer 4-Auditor for Water/Sewer Utility 22-Conflict Planning Board Attorney 5-Conflict Township Attorney 23-Conflict Planning Board Engineer 6-Conflict Township Engineer 24-Landscape Architect for Planning Board 7-Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 25-Zoning Board Attorney 8-Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 26-Zoning Board Engineer 9-Conflict Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 27-Conflict Zoning Board Attorney 10-Conflict Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 28-Conflict Zoning Board Engineer 11-Special Counsel for Affordable Housing 29-Landscape Architect for Zoning Board 12-Landscape Architect 30-Township Planner 13-Bond Counsel 31-Township Prosecutor 14-Labor Counsel 32-Alternate Prosecutor 15-Appraisal Services 33-Public Defender 16-Appraisal and Title Work 34-Conflict Public Defender 17-Township Physician 35-Special Projects Engineer 18-Rent Leveling Board Attorney 36-Special Projects Architect A detailed “Request for Proposal” is on file in the Office of the Township Clerk, 900 W. Bay Avenue, Barnegat, N. J. 08005 Each Proposal must submit the following minimum requirements with their proposal: 1. List of names and roles of individuals proposed to perform the task along with a description of experience with project similar in nature. 2. List of references and record of success 3. Description of ability to provide services in a timely fashion, including staffing, familiarity and location of key staff. 4. Fee Schedule with cost details including hourly rates of each individual proposed to perform the service or a total cost (“not to exceed”). 5. Contribution statement by Professional business entity in accordance with Ordinance 2005-05, Section 10-20.c. 6. One original and six copies of proposal A complete RFP package is available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office, during normal business hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30, or call 609-698-0080, ext. 190. or download from our website www.barnegat.net. All proposals must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, no later than 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 4, 2013. ($88.00) 884317  
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