
Campbell Soup Redevelopment Application Filed in Camden


Campbell Soup Redevelopment

Campbell Soup Redevelopment Location Map

Public Notice:


 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE-THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FILED an application with the Planning Board of the City of Camden requesting lot consolidation and preliminary and final major subdivision approval allowing Applicants to reconfigure properties in the vicinity of the Campbell Soup Company campus into five lots which will be more in keeping with the locations of the buildings on the campus and so that fewer tax lots will be allocated to the Campbell Soup Company campus. This application encompasses land and premises owned by Campbell Urban Renewal Corporation located at One Campbell Place – Block 1460 Lot 15.01. The application also encompasses land and premises owned by Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC located at SW Corner of Line & St Mihiel, Block 1471, Lot 22; and at 1038 Line Street, Block 1471, Lot 21. The application also encompasses land and improvements owned by Campbell Soup Company, located at the following addresses: ES Memorial 1074 N Pine, Block 1462, Lot 16; SW Memorial Avenue & 11th Street, Block 1461, Lot 11; 291 Mt. Ephraim Avenue, Block 1453 Lot 6; NE Memorial & Flanders Avenue, Block 1468 Lot 10.01; 1300 Pine Street (Billed as Block 1474, Lot 12), Block 1469, Lots 1, 10 and 14; 1433 Pine Street (Block 1474 Lot 3, additional Lot 1 and Street), Block 1474 lots 1 (11-1); SW Line Street & Memorial Avenue, Block 1473, Lot 10; SE Line & Ringold Streets, Block 1473, Lot 1; SE Corner Line Street & Memorial Avenue, Block 1472, Lot 53; 375 Memorial Avenue, Block 1460, Lot 15; 341 St. Mihiel Avenue, Block 1449, Lot 5; 1433 Pine Street (Block 1474, Lot 3, add’l Lot 1 and Street), Block 1474, Lot 4; 821 Memorial Avenue, Block 364, Lot 2; and 801 Memorial Avenue, Block 364, Lot 3. All Block and Lot references are to the official tax map of the City of Camden and all of the properties are located in the OLI Office Light Industrial Zone within the Gateway Redevelopment Area. While no new construction is proposed, as a result of the change of lot lines, Applicants request Variances and Deviations for: 1. Block 1460 lot 15.01 – a minimum lot width variance, as it will be less than 200′ wide when measured 10′ from the lot line – variance from Section 577-115 of the Zoning Code and from the Area Regulations of the Gateway Redevelopment Plan. 2. Block 1471 lot 22.01 – minimum lot size variance – variance from Section 577-115 of the Zoning Code and from the Area Regulations of the Gateway Redevelopment Plan. 3. Block 364 lot 2.01 – minimum setback variance due to existing conditions and lot consolidation – variance from Section 577-115 of the Zoning Code and from the Area Regulations of the Gateway Redevelopment Plan. 4. Deviations are requested from the Gateway Redevelopment Plan with respect to minimum lot width, minimum side yard, minimum rear yard, and maximum building coverage as identified on the plans. Applicants also seek any and all other variances, waivers, deviations, or other relief that may be required after review of the application by the Board and its professional staff, or that otherwise may be necessary.A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled for December 12, 2013 at 6:00 PM in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, CITY HALL, SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. When this matter is called, any interested party may attend in person or with an Attorney and be heard with reference to this application.PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Applicants reserve the right to amend the application at any time in the future without additional notice. This notice is a continuing notice and the application may be postponed or adjourned to another meeting of said Board without any further notice being required.

The subject application is on file and is available for inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the Planning Board, Room 224, City Hall, Sixth and Market Streets, Camden, New Jersey.

Campbell Soup Company
Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC
Campbell Urban Renewal Corporation

November 21, 2013
(1640946) ($83.16)

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Florence Township Planning Board Finds Redevelopment Plan Consistent with Master Plan

Florence Township Planning Board

John Galt Redevelopment Area


Public Notice:


OFFICE OF THE FLORENCE TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION PB-2013-23 A Resolution finding that the plan entitled ‘Redevelopment Plan for 1000 and 1200 John Galt Way, the Haines Center, Block 158, Lots 7 and 8, Florence Township, Burlington County, New Jersey’ is consistent with the Township’s Master Plan and recommending that the governing body, in accord with NJSA 40A:7, adopt the Plan as the Redevelopment Plan governing redevelopment of the subject properties within the designated redevelopment area. This resolution was duly adopted by the Florence Township Planning Board at a meeting held on November 18, 2013. Wayne Morris, Secretary
Florence Township Planning Board Adv. Fee: $20.24
BCT: November 22, 2013
Aff. Chg: $20.00
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Jersey City Planning Board Approves 377 Unit Rehabilitation of 335-341 Washington Street in Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF DECISION CITY OF JERSEY CITY PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, the City of Jersey City Planning Board adopted a resolution (“Resolution”) memorializing its approval of the application of Mill Creek Residential Trust LLC for preliminary and final major site plan, minor subdivision, and deviation/variance approvals for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the historic Butler Brothers Warehouse building as an approximately 377-unit residential building with retail, artist studio/gallery and parking uses, on property located at 335-341 Washington Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and designated on the tax maps of the City of Jersey City as Block 11611, Lot 1 (“Property”). The Property is located in the Rehabilitation Zone of the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan Area. The Resolution has been filed with the City of Jersey City Division of City Planning, located at 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and it is available for public inspection from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm., Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted. Victor J. Herlinsky, Jr., Esq. Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. Attorneys for Mill Creek Residential Trust LLC (973) 643-7000 11/19/13 $85.00
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Borough of Fort Lee Board of Adjustment Approved 5 Town Home Site Plan

Public Notice:


BOROUGH OF FORT LEE FORT LEE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a regular public meeting of the Board of Adjustment, Borough of Fort Lee, held on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, the Board made the following decisions:  Docket # 20-13 Cedar Street Associates,  LLC 140 Cedar Street &  1639 Federspiel Street APPROVED Block 4352, Lots 6 & 7 Preliminary/Final Major Site Plan Five Attached Townhomes   Docket #24-13 Bong H. Kim 40 Bridle Way APPROVED Block 952, Lot 2 Circular Driveway  Copies of the resolutions are on file in the Office of the Planning Administrator, Fort Lee Municipal Building, 309 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ and the same are available for inspection from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.  Doug Sugarman, Chairman Barbara B. Klein, Planning Administrator November 17, 2013-Fee:$31.19(33) 3595695
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Old Bridge Planning Board to Hear Application for Twelve (12) Unit Town Home Community



Property West of Route 9

Property West of Route 9

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 3, 2013 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., the Planning Board of the Township of Old Bridge will hold a public hearing on the application of COTTRELL COURT TOWNHOMES, LLC. The public hearing will be held at the Municipal Complex, One Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, New Jersey.
The purpose of the application is for Preliminary Approval to permit the construction of twelve (12) residential townhouse units on premises known as Block 14263, Lot 4.02 formerly known as Lot 4, Block 14263 which premises are located on Cottrell Road south of its intersection with County Route 516 in the Township of Old Bridge.
The Applicant will further seek a bulk variance with regard to the percentage of non-critical lot area.
The applicant also intends to request at the hearing such other variances and/or waivers of design standards and/or submission requirements as are required to develop the premises in the manner indicated in the application materials.
The application for development and all supporting maps, site plans and documents are on file in the office of the Planning and Zoning Board and are available for public inspection, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. Any interested party may appear at the aforesaid hearing, either in person, or by their attorney, and be given an opportunity to be heard with respect to the aforesaid application.
Dated: November 4, 2013 ______
Attorney for Applicant
($22.36) 902868

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Planning Board in Township of Greenwich, Gloucester County, Recommends Approvals and Adoption of Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF DECISIONS  OF THE  TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH PLANNING BOARD    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following Resolutions were adopted by the Greenwich Township Planning/ Zoning Board at its regular meeting held on November 4, 2013:    1.    Resolution recommending approval/adoption of a Redevelopment Plan to the Greenwich Township Mayor and Council pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7E regarding Block 62, Lot 6.01, Block 169, Lots 27 & 27.01 and Block 139, Lots 2, 3, 4, 4.01 & 5 (Resolution #2013-27).    The above Resolutions are on file with the Municipal Clerk’s Office, 420 Washington Street, Gibbstown, New Jersey 08027.    AIMINO & DENNEN, LLC    BY:  Michael A. Aimino, Esq.  Solicitor, Greenwich Township   Planning/Zoning Board    Dated: November 7, 2013    Cost: $33.84(2667197) 11/12-1t
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Borough of Pine Hill, Camden County, Adopts Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:




NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing ordinance passed final reading and was duly adopted by the Governing Body of the Borough of Pine Hill, Camden County, New Jersey at a meeting held at the Pine Hill Borough Hall, 45 West 7th Avenue, Pine Hill, New Jersey on the 4th day of November 2013 at 7:30 pm.

Thomas Cardis, RMC (1639621) ($15.84)

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Toll Brothers Receives Planning Board Approval for 73 single family homes and 137 town homes in Readington, NJ

Public Notice:


PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION To Whom It May Concern: At the regular Meeting on October 28, 2013 the Readington Township Planning Board took the following action: The applicant, Toll NJ I, LLC received approval for an amended final major subdivision and site plan for phases 2 through 5 for property situated on Route 22 East and designated as Block 36, Lot 49 on the Readington Township tax map. Phase 1 is already under construction. The applicant received approval to construct 73 single-family homes, 137 attached townhouses, and clubhouse. These decisions are on file and may be inspected by the public, Monday through Thursday, during regular business hours in the office of the Coordinator of the Board, in the Municipal Building, 509 Route 523, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. Linda Jacukowicz, Planning Board Coordinator November 6, 2013 ($16.28) 898783  
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New Brunwick Board of Adjustment to Hear Mixed-Use Project on Seaman Street

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on Nov. 25, 2013 at a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of New Brunswick, City Hall, 78 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, NJ. On said date and time you may appear in person or by your attorney and present any comments or objections which you may have to the application described below. The subject of the hearing will be the Cerda/SEA, LLC application (Docket No.ZB-2013-07) for the property located at 340-346 Seaman Street, New Brunswick, NJ., also known as Block 183, Lots 32.01, 35, 36 City of New Brunswick Tax Map. Major Site Plan approval is sought. Use variance relief is sought from the following requirements of the C-2B (Community Commercial District): 1. The maximum allowable building height is 40′. The application proposes a building height of 46′. 2. The zone allows mixed-use buildings with ground floor containing permitted commercial uses with residential uses above. The application proposes a mixed-use building with the ground floor containing both permitted commercial uses and residential uses. Bulk variance/waivers/approvals are sought as follows: 1. Minimum front setback. The ordinance required 10′; the application proposes 1′. 2. The governing ordinance/standards require 68 parking spaces; the application proposes 9 parking spaces. 3. The governing ordinance/standards require parking space in the loading area for the ground floor commercial uses; the application proposes 0 spaces. 4. The governing ordinance/standards require a minimum 5′ wide buffer area surrounding all sides of a parking lot exposed to view, 3′ vehicle setback and a 10′ wide are adjacent to residential; the application proposes a 1′ buffer provided on the south side. 5. The governing ordinance/standards require 37 trees; the application proposes 3 street trees plus 28 undersized evergreen trees plus the applicant’s proposal to contribute for all outstanding trees. 6. The governing ordinance/standards require a minimum 4′ high visually impervious screen around the parking lot and a 6′ high screen abutting residential uses; the applicant proposes installation of fencing as directed. 7. If an on-site loading space is required the applicant seeks relief from that condition. Relief is also sought from any other variance or relief as may be deemed to be required. A copy of the plan and all supporting documents is on file in the office of the Department of Community Development, 25 Kirkpatrick Street, Civic Street, New Brunswick, NJ for public inspection weekdays between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm. Dennis Alan Auciello, P.A. 69 Paterson Street, P.O. Box 528 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (732) 828-0900 Attorney for Applicant ($40.04) 896963   
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Developer Proposes 18 Multi-family Units in Union City

Public Notice:



  ALONSO & NAVARRETE, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW     PROPERTY OWNER   RE: Kabakibi Real Estate Development LLC 508-12 45th Street Block: 265 Lot: 24,25,26,27  Dear Sir or Madam:  Please be advised that this office represents Kabakibi Real Estate Development LLC in a Site plan and Variance application regarding the above referenced property.  On Thursday, November 14, 2013, a public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. by the Union City Board of Adjustment at Town Hall located at 3715 Palisade Ave., Union City to consider the application of my client who proposes to construct a new 18 unit multifamily building with 24 off street parking spaces in the R zone. Applicant will require site plan approval and variances for use (d-1), density (d-5), height (d-6), parking, rear yard, lot coverage, side yard and front yard as well as any other variances required by the Board.  All documents related to this application can be inspected at the office of the City Clerk, Municipal Building, 3715 Palisade Ave, Union City, NJ between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Sincerely, J. ALVARO ALONSO  11/05/13 $115.90  
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