
Newark, NJ to hear 4 Lot Subdivision of 2-Family Homes

Public Notice:


  NEWARK CENTRAL  PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING   Application # CBP13-65 Filed: September 24, 2013 Date: November 4, 2013 To: Owner of Premises  Please take notice that the undersigned has applied to the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark for a Preliminary and Final Site Plan, Major Subdivision and Variances approval for premises located at 214-218 Malvern Street and 36-38 Hanover Street, Newark, New Jersey, Block 1128; Lots 40, 42, 44 and 45 in order to: In a R-3 District merger of 4 irregular undersize lots (40, 42, 44 and 45), subdivision into 4 new lots (40.01, 40.02, 40.03 and 40.04) to create 4 more conforming lots for home development, and construction of 4 new two-family dwellings, seeking variance approval for lot area, lot width, lot size, rear yard and any and all required variances and or waivers that may be necessary. Any person or persons affected by this application may have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing of the Central Planning Board on November 18, 2013, at 6:30 P.M., and thereafter on such other dates as such hearing may be continued, in the Municipal Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 at which time you may appear either in person, by agent or by attorney and present any comments which you may have regarding this application. All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the Public between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. in the Office of Boards, City Hall, Room 112, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102. Respectfully, /s/ JA Hanover LLC Applicant JA Hanover LLC  112 Jabez Street Newark, NJ 07105 11/4/2013 $85.84  
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Pine Hill in Camden County to hear application for 53 unit Town House Community

Public Notice:


VMDH Enterprises, LLC hereby gives notice that a Public Hearing will be held at the Municipal Building, 45 W. 7th Ave, Pine Hill, New Jersey on:Thursday, November 14th at 7:30 P.M. on the application of VMDH Enterprises, LLC for the following:- A Use Variance to permit construction of townhome units at the property described below which is located in the LBD – Limited Business District.

– Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision Approval to permit a fifty-five (55) lot subdivision, creating fifty-three (53) townhome units.

– Bulk variances as follows: (a) – Lot size of 1,800 sf where 20,000 sf is required. (b) – Frontage of 18 feet where 100 feet is required. (c) – Front yard setback of 35 feet where 50 feet is required. (d) – Side yard setback of 0 feet on either side where 25 feet is required. (e) – A building coverage of 36.67% where a maximum building coverage of 30% is permitted.

– Any and all other relief and variances as may be required by the Planning Board.

At lands located on Berlin-Cross Keys Road, being known specifically as Block 124, Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 22, 24, 31 and 62 and Block 127 Lots 2 and 2.01, on the official Map of the Borough of Pine Hill.

A copy of said application has been filed with the Municipal Clerk for public inspection during normal business hours, which are 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. (1638981) ($33.66)


Public Notice ID: 20758248.HTM
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Town of Harrison’s Planning Board to hear Crownpoint Group Application for Apartment Building in Waterfront Redevelopment Plan.

Public Notice:

  PLANNING BOARD  TOWN OF HARRISON PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CROWNPOINT GROUP, LLC Block 97, Lots 1.04, 23.01, 23.02 & 25  Please take notice that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Harrison (“Planning Board”) at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers – Second Floor of the Harrison Town Hall, 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, New Jersey, on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. The purpose of this hearing is to consider the application of Crownpoint Group, LLC (‘Applicant”) for preliminary and final major site plan approval to enable the construction of one (1) four-story residential apartment building with common facilities and associated improvements on the property. The property is located at the intersection of Bergen and Second Streets and is known as Block 97, Lots 1.04, 23.01, 23.02 & 25 as shown on the official Tax Map of the Town of Harrison, Hudson County. The property is located in the Residential District of the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan. The project as proposed conforms to the requirements of the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan and the Municipal Code of Town of Harrison with the exception of the Applicant’s request for design waivers and exceptions for: (i) locating the utility transformer outside at grade; (ii) providing for a sidewalk width of 11.5′ to 12.4′ where 11′ is required; and (iii) allowing the vertical dimension of the opening between columns to be 10′-6″ for the entrance to the clubhouse where 16′-0″ is required. The Applicant also seeks de minimis exceptions from the RSIS allowing (a) 104 parking spaces where 192 are required, and (b) both conventional spaces measuring 8.5″ x 18′ and compact spaces measuring 8′ x 16′, where RSIS requires 9′ x 18’ spaces. The Applicant shall request that the Planning Board grant any additional variances, design waivers or exceptions from the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan and/or the Municipal Code of the Town of Harrison as determined to be necessary during the review and processing of this application by the Town and the Planning Board. All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public during regular business hours in the office of the Department of Construction & Engineering located in the Harrison Town Hall, 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, New Jersey 07029. Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Planning Board of the Town of Harrison. November 2, 2013 Szaferman, Laking, Blumstein & Blader, P.C. Ryan A. Marrone, Esq. Attorney for Applicant 101 Graves Mill Road  Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-275-0400 $128.76   

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Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee, Ocean County, to hear 76 Unit Age-Restricted, Affordable Housing Application


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Ocean acting in its capacity as the Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee (the “Committee”) will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township of Ocean Town Hall at 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean.
The Application is made by MBI Development Inc. (the “Applicant”) concerning the property identified as Block 41, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.03, 29.07, 30, and 36.01 on the Tax Map of the Township of Ocean.
The Applicant seeks to construct a three story 76 Unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing.
The purpose of the hearing is to make a determination that the proposed Plan is consistent with the legal requirements of the Township of Ocean Economic Redevelopment Plan together with any and all other approvals that the Committee may require or deem appropriate.
A copy of the proposed plan(s) are available for public inspection during official hours at the office of the Committee in the Municipal Building, 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean. For more information please call (609) 693-3302.
Further take notice that said Committee may at its discretion, adjourn, postpone, or continue the said hearings from time to time, and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Committee Secretary concerning such adjournments, postponements, or continuations.
MBI Development Inc
c/o The D’Elia Law Firm, LLC
13000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 300
Marlton, New Jersey 08053
($49.00) 893162

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Borough of Highands, Monmouth County, Planning Board to hear mixed-use 49 unit townhouse application.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, NAVESINK CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC, has applied to the Planning Board of the Borough of Highlands for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval as well as Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision Approval and associated Bulk Variance relief for the construction of 49 residential townhouses together with a restaurant, Marina office and shop with associated parking, utilities and boat loading ramps.
The property located at the intersection of Willow Street & Locust Street, just north of Shore Drive, also known as Block 101, Lots 17.02, 27, 27.01, 30 and 30.02; and Block 102, Lots 8 and 9 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Highlands; as well as a Portion of Lot 1 (1.02) of Block 7 in the Borough of Atlantic Highlands. The property is located in the MXD Zone of the Borough of Highlands and this is a permitted use.
The Applicant also seeks the following Variances:
1. Minimum Setback where 0.93 is provided and 15-foot minimum is required for proposed Lot 27.03;
2. Maximum Impervious Coverage of 89.33 % is proposed where a maximum of 80% is permitted for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03;
3. Six (6) dwelling units per structure are provided where a maximum of five (5) dwelling units are permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
4. Maximum of six (6) connected townhouse units with 0 foot variation in setback is provided where a maximum of two (2) connected townhomes without a variation in setback is permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
5. Minimum of 59.25 foot spacing between front-to-front window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 75 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
6. Minimum of 15-foot spacing between end-to-end window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 30 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
7. Minimum of 9.38 feet spacing from building face to residential roadway is provided where 20 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
8. 112 parking spaces are provided for the residential site and 100 spaces are provided for the restaurant and marina site, where 117 spaces and 162 spaces are required, respectively for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03.

The Applicant also seeks the following Design Waivers:
1. Curbing is not provided on both sides of all new streets and along the tract frontage of existing streets as required in Ordinance Section 21-65.4;
2. Parking spaces or access aisles are less than the required setback of 20 feet adjacent to residential uses per Ordinance Section 21-65.14;
3. The minimum townhouse dwelling unit width is 18 feet, which is less than the required minimum width of 24 feet per Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.15;
4. Parallel parking spaces are provided in the residential portion of the project when Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.12.a stat4es that there shall be no parallel or diagonal parking.

The Applicant also seeks any and all other variances and/or design waivers which may be necessary to accommodate the application as filed or as revised by the Planning Board. A copy of the Application has been filed in the office of the Borough of Highlands Planning Board, which is located at 42 Shore Drive, Highlands, New Jersey and may be inspected during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at Highlands Elementary School, 360 Navesink Avenue, Highlands, New Jersey, at which time you may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present any objection which you may have to granting this Application.
Dated: October 30, 2013
125 State Highway 35
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Attorney for Applicant
($108.00) 891499

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Borough of Milltown, Middlesex County, approves mixed-use redevelopment consisting of 350 unit and 5,000 sf of commercial


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 24, 2013, the Planning Board of the Borough of Milltown adopted a Resolution memorializing the approval granted at its meeting of September 24, 2013 with respect to the property known as Block 58, Lots 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.07 and Block 59.01, Lot 5.01 bounded by Ford Avenue, Main Street, Mill Pond and Lawrence Brook as shown on the tax map of the Borough of Milltown, County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey. The applicant is Boraie Development, LLC, which is the designated Redeveloper of the property. The action taken by the Planning Board was to grant approval of an application for Preliminary Major Subdivision and Preliminary Major Site Plan approval for a redevelopment project in conformance with the Milltown Ford Avenue Redevelopment Plan. The project comprises 350 dwelling units and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail space with parking and common areas (including $6,000 square foot community building). The project also makes provision for an open space corridor along the perimeter of Mill Pond.
The plans submitted by the applicant were approved subject to the conditions set forth in the Planning Board’s Resolution. A full copy of the Resolution of the Planning Board and a copy of the subdivision and site plans are on file with the Secretary of the Planning Board at 39 Washington Avenue, Milltown, New Jersey, and are available for inspection during normal business hours.
($21.84) 891502

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Wharton Planning Board to Hear 66 Unit Town House Project

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF WHARTON PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Wharton Woods, LLC, (the “Applicant”) has submitted an application to the Planning Board of the Borough of Wharton (the “Board”) for preliminary and final site plan approval with variances and waivers with respect to the property located on Old Irondale Road, Wharton, New Jersey (the “Property”). The Property is identified as Block 1603, Lot 14 on the official tax map of Borough of Wharton. The Applicant is proposing the development of a 66-unit multi-family residential townhome project on the Property. The Property is located within the Borough’s AH-2-Affordable Housing Zone District. The project includes the construction of affordable housing units. In addition to preliminary and final site plan approvals, the Applicant is requesting variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c)(1) and/or (c)(2), including variances from the following Sections of the Borough of Wharton Code: Section 165-74-Illumination levels exceeded Section 165-93D2- Structure exceeds overall building length of 200′ on one plane Townhouse structures have more than eight (8) units in one (1) townhouse building group Section 165-93D3-Less than 15% of total land area devoted to usable recreation space Section 165-94E1-Walls exceed six (6) feet in height in certain locations Section 165-94E3-Walls exceed six (6) feet in height in locations and are not terraced Section 165-90G2(b)- No building shall be closer to another building than the height of the tallest building on site Section 165-97- A 25′ landscape buffer is not provided around the entire perimeter of Property Section 165-97E-Structures are proposed in the landscape buffer area Section 165-99D-Steep Slope Disturbance Variance Design waivers are also requested with respect to Sections 165-52D & E, regarding right of way on Old Irondale Road and Section 267-4F pertaining to stormwater infiltration. In addition to the above approvals, the Applicant requests that the application be deemed amended to include, and that the Board grant any additional approvals, variances, exceptions, or waivers determined to be necessary or desirable in the review and processing of this application, whether requested by the Applicant, the Board or otherwise. A public hearing on said application will be held by the Board on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Borough of Wharton, Municipal Building, 10 Robert Street, Wharton, NJ 07885, at which time any interested party may appear, if they so desire, either in person, or by agent or attorney and ask questions, cross examine witnesses and present testimony and any comments they may have with respect to this application. All maps and documents relating to this application are on file with the Municipal Clerk, located in the Borough of Wharton, Municipal Building, 10 Robert Street, Wharton, NJ 07885, and may be inspected by the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays). INGLESINO, PEARLMAN, WYCISKALA & TAYLOR, LLC Attorneys for Wharton Woods, LLC ($48.36) 890170  
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MIddle Township, Cape May County, approves 102 unit subdivision around golf course

Public Notice:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Middle Planning Board, at a public hearing held on September 10, 2013, granted to Triad III, L.L.C. final major subdivision approval for Phase I of a development to be known as Stone Harbor Estates.  The development will be located around an existing golf course.  Phase I will consist of 32 single-family building lots, 35 two-family carriage home building lots, and 6 open space lots, one of which will be improved with a clubhouse and other recreational facilities.  The property is located at 905 Route 9 North and is also known as Block 99.02, Lot 117 on the Middle Township tax map.
The approving resolution which was memorialized on September 26, 2013 and all relevant data is on file with the Planning Board Secretary and may be inspected by the public during regular business hours.
HYLAND LEVIN LLP Attorneys for Applicant 856 355 2900
1x Fee=$13.36                          10/30/13 As published in the Cape May County Herald Times

Middle Township, south of Atlantic City

Middle Township, south of Atlantic City

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Middle Planning Board, Cape May County, grants final site plan approval for 48 unit affordable housing community

Public Notice:

TAKE NOTICE that on June 11, 2013, the Township of Middle Planning Board granted final site plan approval to Middle Township Housing Associates, LLC for construction of a 48-unit affordable multi-family rental development with a community building and associated infrastructure at 8 Railroad Avenue, Cape May Court House, NJ, designated as Block 56.01, Lot 46 on the Middle Township tax maps.  On July 9, 2013, the Planning Board adopted a written Resolution memorializing that determination.  The application, plans and Resolution are available for inspection at the Middle Township Zoning Office in the Municipal Building, Boyd and Mechanic Streets, Cape May Court House, NJ during normal business hours.
David R. Oberlander, Esq. BISGAIER HOFF, LLC Attorneys for the Applicant (856) 375-2805
1x Fee=$13.36                          10/30/13 As published in the Cape May County Herald Times
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Long Branch Planning Board to hear Seaview Towers, LLC application for 12 story structure with variances on Ocean Avenue

PLANNING BOARD Notice of Hearing PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Seaview Towers, LLC has applied to the Planning Board of the City of Long Branch for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval to construct a 12 story structure consistent with the present/applicable zoning regulations on property known as Block 215, Lots 3,4,5.01,5.02 and 6 on the tax map of the City of Long Branch and more commonly known as 390-392 Ocean Avenue, Long Branch New Jersey. The applicant further seeks the following variances and waivers from the applicable requirements of the zone: Variances: 1. Number of Stories/Floors permitted: Maximum of 4 over a one level underground parking garage and non residential first floor. Eleven Stories requested. 2. Required parking required for the commercial use portion of the site plan: 308 spaces required, 49 spaces provided

Waivers: 1. From providing preliminary architectural of the residential floor plan for the entire building.

Applicant further seeks any and all variances and design waivers as identified and/or required by the Board. Any person or persons affected by this application may have an opportunity to be heard at the meeting held on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., in the main meeting room of the City of Long Branch Municipal Complex located at 344 Broadway, Long Branch New Jersey 07749. A copy of the complete application including maps has been filed in the Administrative Office of the City of Long Branch Planning Board located in the City of Long Branch Municipal Complex located at 344 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 and may be inspected by the public during normal business hours at that location. Dennis A. Collins Attorney for the Applicant ($53.00) 883477


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