
Evesham Planning Board Looks at Multi-Family, Multi-Story Development

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF HEARING TOWNSHIP OF EVESHAM PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Evesham Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of Marlton South, LLC (PB 14-23SP) at the Evesham Municipal Building, 984 Tuckerton Road, Marlton, NJ on May 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The subject property is located at 10, 22 and 24 S. Maple Avenue and 300 Route 73 South it is known as Lots 16, 20.01, 20.02 and part of 12.01 and Block 4.01 on the Evesham Township Tax Maps. The applicant is proposing, the Applicant is seeking preliminary and final minor subdivision approvals of Lots 12.01, 20.01 and 12.02 followed by lot consolidation of Lots 16, 20.01, 20.02 and part of 12.01 into a single lot and consolidated of parts of Lots 12.01, 20.01 and 20.02 into Lot 12.01, preliminary and final major site plan approval for development of a multifamily residential apartment building being four stories high with 55 units, 18 private garages, surface parking, amenities and accessory signage, and termination of Amended and Restated Mutual Cross-Easement for Access and Parking and Right of First Refusal dated 6/24/14, effective 7/22/14. Applicant seeks design waivers from Section 160-68.1 which requires a minimum rear yard of 50 ft. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation results in a setback of 34.5 ft. from the proposed relocated rear property line; maximum impervious cover of 70% is permitted. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation results in a decreased lot area for Lot 12.01 impervious cover proposed at 71.1%; maximum floor area ratio of 0.15 for a one-story building is permitted. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation results in a decreased lot area for Lot 12.01 to 0.189; minimum buffer to adjacent residential properties of four stories or more is required to be 75 ft. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation results in a buffer of 2.9 feet from the proposed relocated rear property line of Lot 12.01. Furthermore, a design waiver is requested from Section 62-56.1(3)(c) which requires that the last parking stall in a row shall be separated from drive aisles by a planting island a minimum of 9 ft. in width. A striped island 9 ft. in width is proposed. The following existing nonconforming conditions exist on Lot 12.01 of Block 4.01 and will not be affected by this application: Section 160.68.1.F requires minimum lot depth of 300 feet. The existing development provides a minimum lot depth of 204 feet; Section 160.68.1.F requires a minimum side yard of 30 feet. The existing development provides a minimum side yard of 27.9 feet; Section 160.68.1.F requires a minimum front yard parking setback of 50 feet. The existing development provides a minimum front yard setback of 9.3 feet; Section 160.68.1.H requires a minimum buffer to adjacent non-residential properties of 15 feet. The existing development provides a minimum buffer of 9.3 feet. Applicant seeks such other variances, waivers and relief as deemed necessary by the Planning Board or its professionals. Interested persons may attend this meeting and be heard. Copies of the application, plans and supporting documents are on file with the Planning Board Secretary at the Evesham Municipal Building and may be inspected during regular business hours.Marlton South, LLC, Applicant c/o Richard J. Goldstein, Esquire Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller 20 Brace Road, Suite 201 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Adv. Fee: $70.38 BCT: May 17, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
Public Notice ID: 22463683
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Evesham Township Approves Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:

NOTICE EVESHAM TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE NO. 16-5-2015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EVESHAM, COUNTY OF BURLINGTON, STATE OF NEW JERSEY ADOPTING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A CERTAIN PROPERTY KNOWN AS BLOCK 3 LOT 3 Notice is hereby given that an ordinance of the Township of Evesham in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, entitled as shown above, was passed on second and final reading at a regular meeting of the Municipal Council of said Township held on May 26,2015.Mary Lou Bergh, Township Clerk RMC, CMR Adv. Fee: $18.40 BCT: May 29, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
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Evesham Passes Ordinance Adopting Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EVESHAM ORDINANCE NO. 8-3-2015 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 31-9-2014, WHICH ADOPTED A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES KNOWN AS 42 & 52 EAST MAIN STREET (BLOCK 4.09, LOTS 11, 12 & 15) AND TO INCLUDE PART OF LOT 13 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ordinance of the Township of Evesham in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, entitled as shown above, was passed on second and final reading at a regular meeting of the Municipal Council of said Township held on March 17, 2015. Mary Lou Bergh, RMC Township Clerk Adv. Fee: $19.78 BCT: March 23, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
Public Notice ID: 22287621.HTM
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