PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Application for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approvaland related use and bulk variances and waivers for property identified as 619 North Maple Avenue, 217 First Street and 239 First Street, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey (“Property”) has been filed byJonathan L. Mechanic on behalf of a project to be known as Ho-Ho-Kus Crossing (“Applicant”). The Application has been filed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus, pursuant to the provisions of the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus Zoning Code and the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et.seq. (“MLUL”). The Property is designated as Block 1016, Lots 3, 5 and 11on the current Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus tax assessment map and is currently developed with a variety of retail and office uses, together with parking and other site improvements. The proposed project contemplates a mixed use re-development, consisting of 27 residential apartments, 12,884+/- sq. ft. of retail space and 9,307+/- sq. ft. of office space, together with ancillary and enhanced site improvements, i.e. parking, lighting, landscaping, stormwater management, etc. In addition to the aforesaid described request for preliminary and final site plan approval, variance relief is sought for: 1) use to allow for 27 residential dwelling units (?85-13(A)(1), together with non-residential mix of retail and office uses; 2) monument signage for project identification – overall size of sign is compliant (28.68 sq. ft. proposed vs 60 sq. ft. permitted), however sign height of 4′ exceeds permitted maximum dimension of 2′; 3)minimum front yard setback (10′ required, 0.36′ existing and 5.31′ proposed); 4) minimum side yard setback -none required but where provided 10′ required (0.42′ existing, 0.77′ proposed); 5) maximum lot coverage (50% permitted, 52.73% existing, 51.40% proposed); and 6) total number of parking (the project provides the required number of spaces per the Residential Site Improvement Standards for the residential units (53 spaces) and provides 66 spaces vs 83 spaces required for the non-residential uses, all which will be addressed by shared parking and cross access. Waiver relief is sought from the following code provisions: 1) ?32B-10(B)(2)(e): a driveway shall have a maximum slope of 2% for the first 20′ from the street line; 2) ?32B-10(B)(3)(K): no paved area shall be closer than 6′ to any property line; 3) ?32B-10(B)(3)(L): maximum slope permitted in parking areas shall be 4′; and 4) per the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus site plan submission checklist, a waiver is requested from providing existing drainage within 500′ of the site. In addition to the foregoing described approvals and relief, the Applicant will also seek approval for any and all variances, exceptions, waivers, and other incidental relief that may be required or deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Adjustment during its review of this Application, together with any further relief that may be deemed necessary by the Applicant during the hearing process, including that which may be generated by way of revised plans and submission of same. Measurements, percentages and other calculations provided in this notice are in accordance with the development plans filed with the Application and supplemental plans filed to address issues of Application completeness pursuant to code and law. Please note that to the extent that plan and/or Application revisions are made during the hearing process, these measurements, percentages and other calculations will likely change as will the associated relief required per the Borough Zoning Code. The Applicant reserves the right to amend its application accordingly to seek approval as deemed required. A hearing on this Application will be held by the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus Zoning Board of Adjustment on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached, at the Municipal Building, 333 Warren Avenue, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, said hearing to be conducted per the rules and regulations adopted by the Board. The intent of this notice is to afford you the opportunity to appear, if you so desire, before the said Board at the time and place designated above for the purpose of being heard with respect to this Application, per the procedures adopted by the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus Zoning Board and as provided by the MLUL. All documents and plans for this Application will be on file with the Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary at the Municipal Building, 333 Warren Avenue, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, ten (10) days prior to the meeting and will be available for inspection during regular business hours, which are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm per advice of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary. PRICE, MEESE, SHULMAN & D’ARMINIO, P.C. By: Gail L. Price, Esq. Attorney for Jonathan L. Mechanic on behalf of a project to be known as Ho-Ho-Kus Crossing” April 27, 2015-fee:$120.96(128) 3855958
Public Notice:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on April 2, 2015, the Township of West Windsor Zoning Board of Adjustment (“Zoning Board”) adopted a Resolution granting ARTIS SENIOR LIVING (the “Applicant”) Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval for the development of an approximately 35,745 s.f. 64-bed Alzheimers and dementia memory care facility at property located at 861 Alexander Road and designated as Block 6, Lot 64, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of West Windsor (the “Property”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the public may review the Resolution at the office of the Division of Land Use, West Windsor Township Municipal Building at 271 Clarksville Road, West Windsor, New Jersey Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
April 3, 2015
Henry L Kent-Smith, Esq.
Fox Rothschild, LP
997 Lenox Drive / Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Attorney for Applicant
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DECISION HARRISON TOWNSHIP JOINT LAND USE BOARD TAKE NOTICE at a regular meeting of the Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board held on April 2, 2015 the following Resolution was adopted: Resolution No. 15-2015 Resolution Of The Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board Recommending To The Governing Body Of The Township Of Harrison That Block 41 Lots 1, 1.01, 2, 2.01 On The Harrison Township Tax Map Be Designated As An Area In Need Of Redevelopment. Copies Of The Aforementioned Resolution Are Filed In The Office Of The Joint Land Use Board Secretary And Are Available For Inspection During Normal Business Hours Cost $23.36 (3913836) 4/9/ 2015 1t