race track road

East Brunswick off to the redevelopment races at Race Track Road

Public Notice:

EAST BRUNSWICK PLEASE BE ADVISED that MCB East Brunswick, LLC as applicant, has made application to the East Brunswick Township Planning Board for preliminary and final site plan and minor subdivision with bulk variance and waiver relief to amend the existing improvements and add improvements on lands known as Block 89, Lots 1.03, 1.04, 2.03, and 2.04, which property is also known as 50 Race Track Road, East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The property is approximately 10.12 acres in size and is currently improved with an existing one-story masonry shopping center building (Grocery Store/Autozone). The property is zoned Highway Commercial 2 (HC-2). The applicant proposes to redevelop the existing shopping center, create a 5,428 plus or minus square feet free standing building, and seek a minor subdivision of the property to create three lots. The applicant proposes to amend the site plan to accommodate the redevelopment of the existing shopping center and development of the free standing building, including amended circulation, parking, related landscaping, and lighting. The applicant shall request variance and design waiver relief as same are identified in the application and on the plans including: 1. Proposed Lot 1.03
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