Essex County NJ

Belleville Township to Reassess Prior Redevelopment Designation

Public Notice:

Notice of Public Hearing of The Planning Board of the Township of Belleville,  County of Essex, State of New Jersey   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Planning Board of the Township of Belleville on Thursday, August 14, 2014, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Township of Belleville Town Hall, located at 152 Washington Avenue Belleville, NJ to consider a proposed amendment to the prior approval of the designation of the need for Redevelopment & Revitalization of BLOCK 9101, LOTS 9, 10, 14; BLOCK 9103, LOT 1; AND BLOCK 10002, LOT 1 as designated on the tax map of the Township of Belleville and for any other business that may come before the board. Formal action may be taken. The public may review copies of any and all documents related to the designation of the need for Redevelopment & Revitalization of BLOCK 9101, LOTS 9, 10, 14; BLOCK 9103, LOT 1; AND BLOCK 10002, LOT 1 as designated on the tax map of the Township of Belleville at the Township of Belleville Town Hall, located at 152 Washington Avenue, Belleville, NJ during regular Town Office hours. Planning Board Recording Secretary Lois Trabucco   Belleville Times 3725280 Fee: $12.38 July 31, 2014
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Belleville Board of Ajustment will hear Application For Mixed Use

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE BELLEVILLE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Please take notice that 258-260 Washington Avenue, LLC, has made application to the Belleville Board of Adjustment requesting the granting of preliminary and final major site plan approval for the construction of a mixed (residential and retail) use building, with two (2) retail spaces and seventeen (17) residential units, and related improvements on the property identified as Block 8701, Lot 10 on the official tax map of the Township of Belleville, located at 258-260 Washington Avenue, in the Township of Belleville. The application requests the granting of use, density, height and bulk variance relief from the Belleville Zoning Board of Adjustment. The variance relief includes, without limitation, the development of a mixed (residential and retail) use building in the B-C Zoning District, permitting the density of seventeen residential units, exceeding the maximum height limitations, and from the Township parking requirements for residential uses contrary to the Township Ordinances, along with any and all other variance and waiver relief required by the Board,  The Zoning Board of Adjustment will conduct a public hearing to obtain testimony on the application at which time you may appear and give testimony. The hearing will take place during a public meeting of the Board, which will be called to order at 7:00 P.M. on the 7th day of August, 2014, at 152 Washington Avenue, Belleville, New Jersey, second floor (Court Room), at which time you may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney, and present any objections which you may have to the granting of this application. Plans, maps and documents pertaining to this application are available to the public for inspection during regular business hours at the office of Planning and Development, 152 Washington Avenue, Belleville, New Jersey 7/23/2014 $91.64  
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36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC to ask Newark Planning Board for Permission to Revise Application

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that 36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC (“Applicant”) has applied to the City of Newark Central Planning Board (“Board”) for amended preliminary and final major site plan approval (“Application”) to amend the previously approved residential tower with ground level commercial space proposed to be developed on the property located at Block 17, Lot 26, which is known as 36-54 Rector Street (the “Property”) The Property is part of the area governed by The Living Downtown Redevelopment Plan.   By a resolution adopted on October 17, 2011, the Board previously granted preliminary and final major site plan approval to construct a 23-story tower with 169 residential units and ground-level commercial space (“Previously Approved Plan”). The Board also granted variances to permit (1) rooftop mechanical equipment to be setback less than required; (2) parking spaces smaller than permitted; and (3) a loading area located where not permitted.   By this Application, Applicant seeks amended preliminary and final major site plan approval to amend the Previously Approved Plan. Applicant now proposes 168 residential units in a 21-story tower. Applicant also proposes to modify the vehicular circulation for entering and exiting the proposed parking garage.   Applicant also seeks any additional variances, design exceptions/waivers, submission waivers, interpretations, modification of conditions, and other approvals reflected on the filed plans (as same may be further amended from time to time without further notice) and as may be determined to be necessary during the review and processing of the Application.  The Board will hold a public hearing on June 23, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Newark City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, for the purpose of reviewing and taking action upon the Application When the case is called, interested parties may appear at the hearing or any adjournment thereof either in person or by attorney, ask questions, and present evidence and offer statements or documentation that may be relevant to the Application. The hearing may be continued without further notice on such additional or other dates as the Board may determine.   The Application, maps, plans and related supporting materials are available for public inspection in the Office of Boards, Room 112, Newark City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, during regular business hours, which are typically 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and may also be on file with the City Clerk (administrative officer) at the same address and during the same business hours.  36-54 Rector Urban Renewal, LLC By: Jennifer P. Smith, Esq. GIBBONS P.C. One Gateway Center Newark, New Jersey 07102 (973) 596-4477 6/5/2014 $145.00  
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Newark Board of Adjustment to hear application of the Bergen Street Redevelopment, LLC

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE OF HEARING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., a public meeting will be held by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (the “Board”) at the City of Newark Municipal Council Chambers, City Hall, located at 920 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Newark, New Jersey regarding the application of Bergen Street Redevelopment, LLC (the “Applicant”) for the Bergen Street Redevelopment project on the property located at 1041 Bergen Street, also referred to as Block 3660, Lot 11 and 1057 Bergen Street, also referred to as Block 3661, Lots 3, 5, and 8 on the official tax map of the City of Newark (the “Property”). The Property is located in the South Ward and within the Bergen South Redevelopment Zone.  Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval is requested for the construction of two (2) mixed-use buildings containing a total of forty-two (42) residential units, parking, and commercial space. The first building (Building A), located at 1041 Bergen Street is a five (5) story building with a roof deck and will contain thirty-two (32) residential units over commercial space and sixteen (16) parking spaces. The second building (Building B), located at 1057 Bergen Street, is a four (4) story building that will contain ten (10) residential units and a community center on the ground floor. A “(d)” variance is requested for the ground floor residential units along with bulk variances for principle front yard and corner front yard setback, and maximum yard impervious coverage.   Further, the Applicant requests that the Board grant any additional approvals, permits, variances, interpretations, waivers or exceptions reflected in the plans and materials filed (as same may be amended or revised from time to time without further notice) or determined to be necessary during the review and processing of this application.  Any interested party may appear at the aforesaid hearing on Thursday, April 10, 2014 and participate therein. You may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present comments and/or testimony which you may have regarding the application.  TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the application, appropriate plans, and all documents submitted in relation to this application may be inspected by the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Office of Central Planning, City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Room 112, Newark, New Jersey 07102.  Bergen Street Redevelopment, LLC, Applicant  Jennifer M. Carrillo-Perez, Esq. Genova Burns Giantomasi & Webster Attorneys for Applicant 494 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 3/28/2014 $138.04  
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Belleville Planning Board Passes Resolution on Amendment One

Public Notice:

BELLEVILLE TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AMENDMENT NO. 1  REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE FORMER ESSEX COUNTY  GERIATRIC HOSPITAL   WHEREAS, the Township Council adopted a resolution on October 15, 2013 whether an amendment to the June 22, 1993 Redevelopment Plan involving part of Block 2501, Lot 1 is necessary for the effective redevelopment of the former Essex County Geriatric Hospital within the redevelopment area pursuant to the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law; and WHEREAS, after a duly noticed public hearing on March 13, 2014, the Planning Board adopted Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan for the. Former Essex County Geriatric Hospital dated January 2014 which encompassed Block 2501, Lots 1. 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 2 and 3; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined the Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the Township Master Plan and recommends that the Township Council adopt this amended Redevelopment Plan; BE IT RESOLVED, the Township Planning Board adopts Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan for the former Essex County Geriatric Hospital. Lois Trabucco Planning Board Recording Secretary   Belleville Times 3655776 Fee: $14.10 March 20, 2014
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Nutley Commissioners to Hear Hoffmann La Roche Options

Public Notice:

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF NUTLEY ONE KENNEDY DRIVE NUTLEY, NEW JERSEY 07110  MEETING NOTICE  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nutley will hold an open public meeting relating to the presentation of potential scenarios for the redevelopment of the Hoffman La Roche properties. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the presentation will be held on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, at 7:00 P.M., at the Nutley High School, 300 Franklin Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE there will be a quorum of the Nutley Board of Commissioners. NO FORMAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN. Evelyn Rosario Municipal Clerk Township of Nutley    Nutley Sun 3648418 Fee: $11.94 March 6, 2014

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Newark to Sell Property

Public Notice:

  City Of Newark Department of Economic and Housing Development Division of Housing and Real Estate  2014 ROLLING SALE   NOTICE SOLICITING PROPOSALS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF SELECT CITY-OWNED VACANT LAND AND STRUCTURES   The City of Newark, Department of Economic and Housing Development, Division of Housing and Real Estate is seeking proposals from qualified proposers to develop parcels of vacant land and structures in accordance with the City of Newark’s Land Disposition Policy. Proposals must be submitted to the Housing and Real Estate/Property Management office by 4:00 PM on or before Friday, March 7, 2014. The City of Newark will not be responsible for any applications which are not delivered by the designated date and time. NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. A NON-REFUNDABLE PROCESSING FEE OF $300.00 for the first individual property or property cluster will be required, plus an additional $100 for each subsequent property or property cluster within the same sale cycle. Payment must be tendered by CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER payable to the City of Newark.  Proposal application forms, a list of properties, and description of the City’s Land Disposition process may be downloaded from our web site at or obtained in person from the Division of Property Management, 920 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Room 421, Newark, New Jersey between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. For additional information, please contact Gregory Good at  The City of Newark reserves the right to remove any parcel(s) and all bids shall be subject to acceptance or rejection by the Municipal Council. 2/7/2014 $84.68  
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Bloomfield Planning Board to Hear Age-Restricted Housin

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAR BEFORE  THE BLOOMFIELD PLANNING BOARD  An application requesting development approval has been filed by Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC, for 390 Franklin Street, Block 311, Lot 13. The applicant seeks the following relief:  Final Major Site Plan approval, waiver of Site Plan requirements and variance relief, including a variance to exceed the maximum front yard setback; to allow for less than the parking spaces required; to pierce the Sky Exposure Plane and to obtain the bonus height to allow for a building of five stories.  Applicant will also seek any other relief the Board deems appropriate.  The indicated approval is requested to permit the applicant to construct 82 Senior/Age Restricted Affordable Housing Units.   The Bloomfield Planning Board has scheduled a public hearing on the application to be held on January 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey.   This application may be reviewed in the Board Secretary’s office in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey during the ten (10) days prior to the meeting. This notice is required by law and is being published at the direction of the Planning Board.  Dated: December 30, 2013  Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC  /s/ Diane Dabulas, Esq. By Diane Dabulas Rogut McCarthy LLC  Counsel for Applicant 1/3/2014 $80.04  
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Newark Central Planning Board to Hear Preliminary & Final SIte Plan Application for Mixed Use Building

Public Notice:


NEWARK CENTRAL  PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING   Application#___________ Filed __________ Date: January 2, 2014  To : Owner of Premises XSH6, LLC  Please take notice that the applicant, XSH6, LLC has applied to the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark for a Preliminary and Final Site Plan Application at premises located at 91-93 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ Block 64 lot 14 and 95 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ Block 64, lot 21)in order to permit in Living Downtown Redevelopment Area, James Street Commons Historic District, Ground floor of premises located at 91-93 Halsey Street will be partially rehabilitated into three (3) commercial units located on the first floor level. The first floor will continue to house “Halsey Fabrics” and two vacant commercial spaces. The 2nd and 4th floors currently have 3 residential units on each floor and will remain. The 3rd floor will consist of 3 new residential units for a total of nine (9) residential units. A new fourth story is proposed for 91-93 Halsey Street and will be merged with 95 Halsey Street; 95 Halsey Street: Premises will be rehabilitated into two commercial units located on the first floor level. The first floor will continue to house “Johnson’s Barbershop” and one (1) vacant commercial space. The second and third floors will be rehabilitated into two (2) residential units per floor. The new fourth floor addition will have two residential units for a total number of units (6). The project will consist of 15 residential units and five (5) commercial spaces. The building will have new signage consisting of four new store signs at the Halsey Street storefront for commercial spaces at the ground floor level. A new fourth story is proposed for 95 Halsey Street and will be merged with 91-93 Halsey Street. Applicant will seek Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, “c” variance for insufficient rear yard, required 10.00ft, proposed 20.00 ft pursuant to the Living Downtown Redevelopment Area, Land Use Ordinance of the City of Newark as well as the Municipal Land Use Law, and such variance relief, exceptions, waivers, permits, interpretations, approvals, or licenses that are deemed necessary or appropriate by the applicant or the Planning Board, and/or specified by the Planning Board’s planner or engineering consultants and which may arise during the course of the hearing process.   Any person or persons affected by this application may have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing of the Central Planning Board on January 13, 2014, at 6:30 P.M., and thereafter on such other dates as such hearing may be continued, in the Municipal Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 at which time you may appear either in person, by agent or by attorney and present any comments which you may have regarding this application.   All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the Public between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. in the Office of Boards, City Hall, Room 112, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102.  Respectfully, /s/ Marsha M. Moore Marsha M. Moore, Esq. Pitman Mindas Grossman Lee & Moore, P.C. (973) 467-5100 Attorneys for Applicant, XSH6, LLC 1/2/2014 $165.88  
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Newark To Sell Redevelopment Site

Public Notice:


Newark Housing Authority E-mail: Business Opportunities All Sealed “Bids” or “Requests for Proposals” will be opened on the date and time specified within each document’s description by the Contract Coordinator or a designated assistant at the Contracts Division, 500 Broad Street – 5th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102. “Bid” openings are open to the public. Copies of the documents may be obtained at the same address listed above, downloaded on-line at or mailed by request. All listed Pre-Proposal/BID conferences will take place at the address listed above unless otherwise noted. Currently Advertised RFP #13-S-023: The Newark Housing Authority (“NHA”) through its powers as a redevelopment agency in accordance with the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law hereby gives public notice of its intent to dispose of a parcel of land “As-Is” located in the North Ward of Newark identified as the southern portion of the former Archbishop Thomas J. Walsh Homes South public housing community. The site is a rectangular lot located between the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey and Route 21 Service Road; Grafton Avenue is the nearest cross street. The heavily industrial site is behind the Waterfront Community Center. Access to the site is limited. Site Visit: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Proposal Submission Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. IFB #12-S-024/R1: $200.68
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