Area in Need Determination

Mansfield Township Amends Zoning to Create Revelopment Zones

Public Notice:


NOTICE MANSFIELD TOWNSHIP BURLINGTON COUNTY ORDINANCE 2015-7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 65 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MANSFEILD ENTITLED “ZONING” BY ADDING AN ARTICLE XXXIII, ENTITLED REDEVELOPMENT ENTITY AND CERTAIN REDEVELOPMENT ZONES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MANSFIELD ESTABLISHING A REDEVELOPMENT ENTITY AND CERTAIN REDEVELOPMENT ZONES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MANSFIELD. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing ordinances were duly introduced and passed upon first reading at a meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Mansfield, in the County of Burlington, New Jersey, held on May 27, 2015. Further notice is hereby given that said ordinances will be considered for final passage and adoption, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the Township Committee to be held in the Meeting/Court Room of the Municipal Complex located at 3135 Route 206 South, Columbus, New Jersey 08022 on June 10, 2015 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., and during the week prior to and up to and including the date of such meeting, copies of said ordinance will be made available at the Municipal Clerk’s office in the Municipal Complex to the members of the general public who shall request the same.LINDA SEMUS, RMC Municipal Clerk Adv. Fee: $32.66 BCT: June 1, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
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The Bayonne Redevelopment Machine Keeps “Buzzing”

Public Notice:

CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 9, 2015 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Bayonne Planning Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. to investigate a delineated area within the City of Bayonne that is generally located on the northwest corner of Broadway and West 5th Street, and more specifically known as and including: 17 W. 5th Street (Block 330, Lot 6); 15 W. 5th Street (Block 330, Lot 7); 11 W. 5th Street (Block 330, Lot 8); 9 W. 5th Street (Block 330, Lot 9); 155-157 Broadway (Block 330, Lot 10); 159 Broadway (Block 330, Lot 11); and 161 Broadway (Block 330, Lot 12) as shown on the Official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne. The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether such delineated area should be designated a non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (Local Redevelopment and Housing Law), which determination, if so made, shall, among other things, authorize the City to use all of the powers provided by the Legislature for use in a redevelopment area, however, it shall not authorize the City to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property. A map of such delineated area has been prepared and can be inspected by the public during normal business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the City of Bayonne, Municipal Building, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 beginning at 6:00 P.M., in the Dorothy E. Harrington Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, located at 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. At this hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, the Planning Board will hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that these properties within the City qualify as a non-condemnation redevelopment area. You may appear either in person or by attorney and present any objections or concerns you may have. All objections to such a determination and evidence in support of those objections, given orally or in writing, shall be received and made part of the public record. Robert F. Sloan, Esq., RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk City of Bayonne 05/30/15 $85.00
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Texaco Site in Bayonne to See Activity After Decades of Work

Public Notice:

CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND OTHERS ENTITLED TO SERVICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned, has made application to the Bayonne Planning Board for property known as Block 332, Lot 3, Block 360, Lot 2, Block 373, Lots 1, 2, 13, 14 and 15, Block 390, Lots 1 and RG67, Block 391, Lots 1 and 2, Block 511, Lot 6 and 5 (hereinafter called the Property) located in the Texaco Redevelopment Area in the City of Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey to permit the following: 1. The applicant seeks preliminary major subdivision for all of the lots set forth above and will create three (3) new lots, proposed Block 9 consisting of 1.71 acres, proposed Block 5 consisting of 1.69 acres and a remaining lot consisting of 61.30 acres as well as creating Avenue A, Daly Street, Park Avenue and Trembly Street pursuant to the provisions of the Texaco Area Redevelopment Plan. 2. The applicant will seek preliminary site plan approval for proposed Block 5 to construct 148 residential units, 3,215 square feet of retail space and 236 parking spaces. The applicant seeks preliminary site plan approval for proposed Block 9 for permission to construct 152 residential units and 276 parking spaces. The applicant also seeks approval for two gravity stormwater conveyance systems across the property and terminating at Newark Bay. 3. The applicant seeks variance relief from the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan to permit a front yard setback of 3.74 feet wherein the Plan requires a maximum front setback of zero feet. 4. The applicant seeks a design waiver for Daly Street, which it proposes to widen for temporary two-way circulation around Block 9 and in the future phases of the development it will be designated as a one-way street in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. In addition, the applicant applies for such variances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c, exceptions, waivers, permits, approvals or licenses that are deemed necessary or appropriate by the applicant or the Board, and which may arise during the course of the hearing process. This application is now on the calendar for the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne. The public hearing has been set for Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the City of Bayonne, Dorothy Harring Council Chambers, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. When this case is called you may either appear in person or by an attorney for the purpose of being heard with respect to this application. All documents and plans for the applicant are on file with the Planning Board Secretary in the City of Bayonne and are available for public inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. KAPLAN-PROMENADE AT BAYONNE, LLC By: ___________________________ Glenn C. Kienz, Esq. WEINER LESNIAK LLP Attorneys for Applicant 629 Parsippany Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 05/01/15 $85.00
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Clifton Designates Area as “Non-Conforming Redevelopment Area”

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE CLIFTON PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on April 23, 2015 the Clifton Planning Board took the following action by Resolution: 1. Recommended to the Mayor and the Council of the City of Clifton that the property known as Block 80.02, Lots 1 and 4, Block 79.04, Lots 10 and 21 be designated as a “Non-Conforming Redevelopment Area” as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. John J. Bruno, Jr. Secretary/Counsel Clifton Planning Board Herald News-3856621 Fee:$8.73 April 29, 2015
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Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board Designates Lots in Block 41 “In Need of Development”

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DECISION HARRISON TOWNSHIP JOINT LAND USE BOARD TAKE NOTICE at a regular meeting of the Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board held on April 2, 2015 the following Resolution was adopted: Resolution No. 15-2015 Resolution Of The Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board Recommending To The Governing Body Of The Township Of Harrison That Block 41 Lots 1, 1.01, 2, 2.01 On The Harrison Township Tax Map Be Designated As An Area In Need Of Redevelopment. Copies Of The Aforementioned Resolution Are Filed In The Office Of The Joint Land Use Board Secretary And Are Available For Inspection During Normal Business Hours Cost $23.36 (3913836) 4/9/ 2015 1t
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Bayonne to Look at 46th Street & Broadway Site for Redevelopment

Public Notice:


CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 14, 2015 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Bayonne Planning Board will hold a Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. to investigate a delineated area within the City of Bayonne that is generally located on the northwest corner of Broadway and West 46th Street, and more specifically known as and including: Block 77, Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne. The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether such delineated area should be designated a non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (Local Redevelopment and Housing Law), which determination, if so made, shall, among other things, authorize the City to use all of the powers provided by the Legislature for use in a redevelopment area, however, it shall not authorize the City to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property. A map of such delineated area has been prepared and can be inspected by the public during normal business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the City of Bayonne, Municipal Building, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 beginning at 6:00 P.M., in the Dorothy E. Harrington Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, located at 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. At this hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, the Planning Board will hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that these properties within the City qualify as a non-condemnation redevelopment area. You may appear either in person or by attorney and present any objections or concerns you may have. All objections to such a determination and evidence in support of those objections, given orally or in writing, shall be received and made part of the public record. Robert M. Sloan, Esq., RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk City of Bayonne 03/26/15 $85.00
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Westampton Planning Board to Consider the Lands Of Project Freedom for Redevelopment

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF HEARING TOWNSHIP OF WESTAMPTON Please take notice that the Westampton Township Land Development Board will hold a hearing on April 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building, 710 Rancocas Road, Westampton, to consider a redevelopment plan for the redevelopment of Block 203, Lot 4.03 as a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area. All persons with comments or questions regarding the redevelopment plan will be given an opportunity to address the Land Development Board during the public hearing. Please take further notice that the redevelopment plan shall not authorize the municipality to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any property in the delineated area.Marion Karp, Secretary Westampton Township Land Development Board Adv. Fee: $39.56 BCT: March 16, 23, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
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Evesham Passes Ordinance Adopting Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EVESHAM ORDINANCE NO. 8-3-2015 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 31-9-2014, WHICH ADOPTED A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES KNOWN AS 42 & 52 EAST MAIN STREET (BLOCK 4.09, LOTS 11, 12 & 15) AND TO INCLUDE PART OF LOT 13 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ordinance of the Township of Evesham in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, entitled as shown above, was passed on second and final reading at a regular meeting of the Municipal Council of said Township held on March 17, 2015. Mary Lou Bergh, RMC Township Clerk Adv. Fee: $19.78 BCT: March 23, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
Public Notice ID: 22287621.HTM
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Elizabeth Proposes Potential Condemnation for “Baker Center Redevelopment Area”

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE PROPOSED CONDEMNATION REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGNATION CITY OF ELIZABETH Please be advised that the Planning Board of the City of Elizabeth (“Planning Board”) will hold a public hearing (the “Hearing”) on Thursday, April 9. 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 50 Winfield Scott Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ, for the purpose of hearing persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the following properties, called the “Baker Center Redevelopment Area” is a Condemnation Redevelopment Area: 829-961 Newark Avenue – Tax Account No. 11-847 827-907 Newark Avenue – Tax Account No. 11-847A 1001-1013 Newark Avenue – Tax Account No. 11-848 1015-1027 Newark Avenue – Tax Account No. 11-849 1029-1061 Newark Avenue – Tax Account No. 11-850 A Statement of Basis and boundary map has been prepared showing the boundaries of the Area, and the parcels included in the Area, as the basis for the Board’s investigation as to whether the Area meets one or more of the criteria required by the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., for designation as an “Area in Need of Redevelopment.” Copies are available for public inspection and reproduction at the offices of the City Clerk, City Hall, 50 Winfield Scott Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ, during normal business hours. Any person who is interested in this matter will have the opportunity to address the Planning Board and its professionals at this Hearing and to ask any questions concerning the contents of the Study or any other relevant issue regarding the designation of the Area, or any portion thereof, as a Condemnation Redevelopment Area. Any person who is interested in or affected by this matter will have the right to make oral or written objections at the Hearing to the designation of the Area as a Condemnation Redevelopment Area, and to provide oral or written evidence in support of these objections, all of which will be made part of the record of the Hearing. Should the Board, upon considering the Study and the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing, take action to recommend that the Area, or any portion thereof, be designated as a Condemnation Redevelopment Area, then the matter will be referred to the City Council, who will decide at a subsequent public hearing whether to adopt a resolution designating that the Area, or portion thereof, as a Condemnation Redevelopment Area. This designation of the Area as a Condemnation Redevelopment Area shall authorize the City of Elizabeth to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any property in the Area. Patrick J. McNamara, Esq. Scarinci Hollenbeck 1100 Valley Brook Avenue Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071 Counsel to the City of Elizabeth Planning Board 3/21,28/2015 $291.40
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New Hanover Township May Look To Condemnation To Facilitate Redevelopment

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO INVESTIGATE A PROPOSED CONDEMNATION REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGNATION NEW HANOVER TOWNSHIP JOINT LAND USE BOARD Take notice that the New Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board will conduct a public hearing on March 3, 2015, at 7:30 P.M. in the New Hanover Township Municipal Building, 2 Hockamick Road, Cookstown, New Jersey to conduct a preliminary investigation into whether certain properties in New Hanover Township along the Wrightstown-Cookstown Road and lying in the General Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial Zone Districts should be designated as an area or areas in need of redevelopment, potentially involving condemnation, pursuant to the “Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.” The subject properties are Tax Map Block 1 Lots 1, through 11.02 and 12 through 14.01; Block 2.01 Lots 1.01through 3.01, 5.04, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 7.01, 7.04 and 8.03; and Block 2.02 lots 4 through 7.02 and 7.03. In the event that the Board determines that any property should be designated as in need of redevelopment, it will submit a report to the governing body so recommending. The governing body may then adopt a resolution determining that the delineated area, or any part thereof to be a redevelopment area. Any owner of such property has the right to challenge that designation/ determination by filing a timely written objection and by filing an appeal. A map of the proposed redevelopment area is on file in the office of the Township Clerk at the above address and is available for public inspection weekdays from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Anyone interested in or who may be affected by a determination that the area, or any part of the area, should be designated as in need of redevelopment may express their views on the proposal by appearing at the hearing either personally or through counsel. Written objections with or without evidence in support of same may also be submitted in advance. Written objections should be addressed to the Board Secretary at the above address. Adv. Fee: $94.76 BCT: Feb. 13, 20, 2015 Aff. Chg: $20.00
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